Remarkable Business Results in your natural therapy practice.
Questions and answers to real problems encountered by real people.
Monday, 17 November 2008
Mz Margz #1 Vid-Cast
I'm some what excited today because I have completed by very first Vid-cast.
I have a new Logitech WebPro 9000 and today have managed to record, upload and blog by first video.
The technology for this is SO cheap and affordable and to be honest the hardest part of it all was clearing the clutter from behind my desk, which now resides in the "admin" office further down the hall. Gosh I'm starting to feel like a corporatation now - a coaching office AND an admin office - gotta love that!!
Anyway why not have a look at my very first attempt at video - I hope you like it cos I daresay it's the say of a whole new way of communication for me!
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
How to Start Using Writing as a Way to Get Your Business Known
Starting out as a writer is a daunting thought.

Where do you start?
How do you find ideas?
When do you publish?
Robert Rabbin of RealTime Speaking came in to the MOSH Pit as our special Guest GURU back in August 2008 to start to answer some of these questions. Robert is a favourite of MOSH Pit members and little wonder with a list of credentials like these:
Robert Rabbin has published 5 books and more than 200 articles, achieving more than 1,000 placements in magazines, journals, and newsletters throughout the English-speaking world. Some of his works have been translated into Portugese, Italian, Rumanian, Japanese, and Russian.
He was commissioned to write original essays for three anthologies, including the forthcoming Spirituality in the Workplace: A Multi-Dimensional Approach.
Robert has been a featured columnist for The New Leaders, a subscriber-based executive newsletter describing emerging trends and innovative practices in leadership and management, and for PlanetLightworker, HealthWorld Online, and Insight magazine.
He was also interviewed for The Awakening West, a collection of conversations with contemporary Western wisdom teachers.
His books have been endorsed by internationally renowned leaders in the fields of business, education, health, and personal growth, including Byron Katie, Ram Dass, Anita Roddick, Lynette Palmen, Drew Ginn, Bernie Siegel, M.D., Larry Dossey, M.D., Jerry Jampolsky, M.D., and Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D.
Robert is the author of RealTime Speaking and I was priviledged to have my story included in the book, along with several other RealTime Speakers.
You can find out more about Robert Rabbin here
Interviewed by Margaret Gill of Abundant Private Practices - helping health and wellbeing practitioners grow abundant & harmonious natural therapy businesses. you can listen to the audio of the hour long call here:
Robert Rabbin Writing Interview
MP3 File
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Have you ever wanted to be in two places at once?
Have you ever wished you could clone yourself so you can keep up with all the things you have to do in a day?
I'm currently trialing a product that allows me to do just that - it's called cybertwin.
As an infoprenuer I'm expected to have by own Forum, my own Blog, be on Facebook, be on MySpace, be recording YouTube clips adding value all over the place and keeping in touch with every single person who happens to swing by one of these social networking websites and make personal connections with them all. It's exhausting and as far as I'm concerned a real waste of my time trying to throw cows at people, fill their aquariums with glitter fish and stay positive about the social and moral state of the Oompa Loompas!
Well now I've found this cool tool that I can program up to answer questions on my behalf - I'd love you to type a few questions in so I can see how my cybertwin answers and customise answers...............You don't have to register - when the new window opens, just type your name into the box at the bottom of the screen
Friday, 31 October 2008
Business Stardom - How to Use the Stars to Be a Star
Audio of Business Stardom - How to Use the Stars to Be a Star Teleseminar 30/10/08
Not very many people know that everything has an Astrology chart including your business.
Many think Astrology is a bunch of mumbo jumbo but I just ask those people to have a look at the effect the moon has on the tides and then understand that most of us are made up of water. It is no co-incidence that emergency rooms and police cells are chaos during a full moon.
So to understand our Astrology and that of our business gives us an edge in the marketplace.
I’m not talking about the general astrology you get in trashy magazines and daily newspapers, I’m talking about the kind of Astrology that has been studied and observed by scholars for thousands of years.
This teleseminar co-hosted by myself, Margaret Gill and Leonie Marks was designed to help people see how Astrology can impact a chart and the learning that can come from the stages our business goes through.
MP3 File
Not very many people know that everything has an Astrology chart including your business.
Many think Astrology is a bunch of mumbo jumbo but I just ask those people to have a look at the effect the moon has on the tides and then understand that most of us are made up of water. It is no co-incidence that emergency rooms and police cells are chaos during a full moon.
So to understand our Astrology and that of our business gives us an edge in the marketplace.
I’m not talking about the general astrology you get in trashy magazines and daily newspapers, I’m talking about the kind of Astrology that has been studied and observed by scholars for thousands of years.
This teleseminar co-hosted by myself, Margaret Gill and Leonie Marks was designed to help people see how Astrology can impact a chart and the learning that can come from the stages our business goes through.
MP3 File
Monday, 20 October 2008
Its all in the stars and ITS TIME
Podcast of my October 08 Newsletter Feature Article

MP3 File
The full newsletter is available on my website - click here to view
Or You can read the full articles here:
Its all in the stars and ITS TIME
No time to read the article – why not listen to the 10 minute podcast above.
Doom, gloom, darkness and dreary forecasts grab the headlines and shout out from news stands all over the world. There is no doubt that the financial markets are taking a pounding at present and all the structures around the world are falling. The media are having a field day.
BUT for natural therapists, healers and emerging heart leaders we have something very big to celebrate and NOW IS THE TIME to get our fingers out of our butts and go to work!
Currently we are watching history in the making and are very honoured to be seeing the spiritual prophecies come true. (Please note when I say spiritual I do not mean religious).
For years now many of the spiritual and indigenous teachings have said there will be big shift in Dec 2012. That is four years away, no co-incidence we are starting to get some reaction on the planet now in the areas that the shift is predicted to impact.
The prophecies I’m talking about are not “end of the world” predictions but precise astrology measured by wise ancient civilisations.
For those of you who aren’t up with what is happening – I’m about to give you the Mz Margz in a nutshell description. If you would like to research more, please visit Simone Matthews’s site – she will give a much more detailed and accurate version. What is important for you to remember is that there is a LOT OF GOOD NEWS in this for natural therapists.
Here is the Mz Margz in a nutshell description
Planet Earth circles the Sun but our solar system doesn’t stop there. Our Sun is also part of a larger circular path. So as we turn within a system so does our system turn within a bigger system. Earth takes 365 days to circle our Sun and complete a Zodiac cycle. It takes 26,000 years for our Sun to complete one cycle of its Zodiac. The Sun spends a little over two thousand years in each house of its Zodiac.
What happens in December 2012
In December 2012 we will move into the sign of Aquarius. Remember the song from the 60’s – yep this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius and the 60’s were a very good example of Aquarian energy, creative and revolutionary. Lets hope we don’t have to do the clothes again!
On the Summer Solstice in December 2012 we fully align with the new energy and it will start to build strength from that point on. But we also get a double whammy with a planetary line up that hasn’t happened for 225 million years. Our solar system, the Milky Way and Alceyone (the sun located in the Pleiades constellation that our Sun circles) all line up in the skies. It will come and go like any other planetary alignment and there have been several in the past few years but it will herald a new energy and a new way we can choose to live. Choose is the operative word in all this. If we choose to move into this energy freely, it will be easy. If we choose to fight it, then it could cause some discomfort. It’s our choice how we react, but it’s coming ready or not!
Where are we going?
Aquarian energy is very much focused on humanitarianism; it is visionary, highly geared toward technology, the future, unity, community, social justice and freedom and anything unconventional like natural therapies. Its ruling planet is Uranus which demands freedom, equality and social change. In the tarot deck, Aquarius is ruled by The Star and its sign is a Water Carrier, all very positive but there is also a negative side in that Aquarian energy can be eccentric, fanatical and rebellious.
What is happening right now?
Because we are moving into Aquarian energy the planet is simply getting rid of the things that won’t work in the new energy. In layman’s terms the planet is having a “de-clutter”. The corporate world is crumbling because the Aquarian energy won’t need the big earthly structures the corporate world are so prone to live in, hence why they are failing right now – significant past examples have been the fall of the Berlin Wall and more recently 9/11 when the twin towers fell.
People who have not being playing fair, have been dealing in corrupt, unfair behaviour and most certainly have not been living in integrity and truth are now paying the price.
The biggest thing to remember is that the markets always go up and down. I worked as a financial controller when the stock market fell back in the 90’s. It was an ugly time fuelled by property developers spending money they didn’t have. This crash is being fuelled by people doing deals with money they didn’t have and its extra scary that it is hitting banks that have been established for hundreds of years. But what you need to know is that the market always self corrects. In every other recession it corrected itself and it will correct itself again – it always does. So why all the fear? Quite simply because it sells media.
What does this mean for the Natural Therapy Industry?
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."
Proverbs 23:7
There will be a lot of fear in the next few years. By holding the love and standing firm in our own power and being there to administer the new (for most) therapies which encourage people to take control of their own life and be free from disease and physical, mental, spiritual and emotional discomfort will see most of you smack bang in the middle of your purpose for being here on the planet at this time.
What should we do?
It is VERY IMPORTANT that we don’t go into fear at this time and think our practices will fall apart. In fact we are safer at this time than the many thousands of people in “real jobs” who are currently being retrenched from failing banks and corporations. Back in the 90’s I was retrenched three times but eventually managed to find work each time but swore I would take control of my own destiny as soon as I could. Being in our own businesses we get to make our own decisions and take our own actions. People employed by the machine are at the whim of the management whose previous incompetence got them in this situation in the first place. Even on our worst days we couldn’t create the same level of devastation that is occurring in the financial markets right now."Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead
Now more than ever it is important to stay in the light and work in the light. Here are ten things you can do right now to ensure the least amount of discomfort as we move into a new and exciting time.
1. Stay away from the media
2. Stay away from people who are negative
3. Stay on track with your practice
4. Spend more time and effort in marketing
5. Commit fully to your practice and to seeing a lot of people
6. Be a positive role model for people around you
7. Energy flows where focus goes – be sure to focus positive thoughts on the current situation and don’t further fuel it with your negative thoughts
8. Get professional advice if your financial situation isn’t the best, create a plan to get out of it and do one thing every day to ensure a positive future (do more if you can!)
9. Understand that all this is a “normal” adjustment in the market and it will come right.
10. Continue to be the change you want to see in the world (thanks Gandhi)
Saturday, 18 October 2008
The First 15 Things You MUST Have On Your Web Site
My October 08 MOSH Pit Guest GURU was Gihan Perera of First Step Communications.
We had a great session with Gihan as he shared a lot of valuable information on
"The First 15 Things You MUST Have On Your Web Site"You can listen to the call here:
Guest GURU October - Gihan Perera of First Step Communications
Interveiwed by Margaret Gill of Abundant Private Practices
MP3 File
Click here for a pdf of the 15 Things
You can learn more about Gihan here
Sunday, 5 October 2008
How I Overcame My Fear of Public Speaking & Networking All in One Night
Why would any sane individual choose to overcome their fear of public speaking in front of an audience of their peers?
I can’t think of a single good reason why anyone would do that but it’s how I decided once and for all to shake my fear of public speaking and “get over myself and get on with it”.
You can listen here to how I overcame my fears and did my first public speaking event. This audio will show there is no better way than putting yourself outside your comfort zone and "just doing it!"
MP3 File
Listening time: 15 minutes 40 secs
1. Speak on topics you are passionate about and know a lot aboutI have realised my message is now more important than me so I just continue to get over myself and get on with it. I trust this nutty little (true) story will help you overcome your fears too.
2. Know your target market and never speak outside it
3. Write your talk at least one week out from the event
4. Practice and tweak, practice and tweak
5. Make your start and finish impactful & learn them off by heart
6. Have notes with bullet points on the podium to remind you what goes in the middle (in case you forget)
7. Keep it succinct and don’t try to tell them everything you know all at once
8. Embrace the fear and use it to your advantage – the adrenalin is helping to pump you up for the talk
9. Get over yourself and make it about the audience
10. Be yourself; be real and be authentic – it works a treat!
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Getting the Most from Your Participation in Membership Sites
Membership sites and forums such as Weekend Workshops and my own free membership site The Health and Wellbeing Practitioners Network are fabulous ways to build your profile out in cyberspace, connect with people you couldn’t normally get to and to help you to get known.
We had a wonderful time with John when he was my MOSH Pit Guest GURU for September 08. John shared a lot of technical knowledge on the call, so please take a listen as he was very generous in his sharing.
Click the slider below to hear John Hardgrave of Weekend Workshops speaking about the value of Membership Forums and all the things we need to know to get the most from our participation in sites like Weekend Workshops.
MP3 File
When you have a small business it is important to join these sites and let people see your expertise. Membership sites are no different to going to a networking event. You need to make an impact quickly.
The things I see as important to remember when joining a membership site
1. Don’t hide – add your full name and a photo – make yourself memorable. Would you just put your first name on your business card (I hope not!) – these membership sites are like virtual business cards – except you can now add so much more information to help people know why they would want to work with you.
2. Be of service – give helpful advise to people when they have questions, make your comments memorable for people.
3. Communicate clearly – tell people your WHO and WHAT very clearly – WHO you work with and WHAT problems you solve for them – it makes it easy then for people to want to work with you.
4. Go deep not shallow – make meaningful connection with people, don’t just click on every single member and ask them to become “your friend”. Site owners also hate this behavior as it makes us uncomfortable due to security reasons and lets us know you are “shallow” – same of the person who runs around a room handing business cards out willy nilly without even stopping to find out who they are giving them to.
5. Join a special interest group – if there isn’t one on your special interest, create one and drive it – you will gain BIG brownie points with the site owner if you do this by adding value for their people.
6. Give value – perhaps load an audio others can benefit from, make a short informational video you can load via YouTube, write an article, post a blog.
7. No one likes a smart arse! Be genuinely interested in helping people not putting them down or making yourself out to be smarter than them. If you know more, simply give that information generously and with love – you will be loved for it!
8. Share a deal. - if you have been offered something on special or have something you can’t use – then offer it to others on the membership site.
9. Share a bit about yourself – load photos of you doing interesting things (we don’t want to see ALL your holiday pics) but if it would be of interest – load it on up.
You can join my The Health and Wellbeing Practitioners Network - click here
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
The Power of an Ezine or Newsletter
This morning a promotional email came into my inbox from Global Training and they were advertising Dr. John Demartini’s Australian events in October, along with an article that interested me about the things he was doing wrong in the early days of his chiropractic practice.
That one article interested me enough to read some of the promotional stuff at the bottom of the email and I realised John is doing a free seminar in Melbourne next week. I’m a sucker for a free seminar so guess what? I’m booked for the free event.
Maybe now are you are thinking – big deal – you still haven’t given him any money yet.
Correct! BUT he has managed to get me out of my house, it’s a three hour round trip on a train and in return I get to spend a couple of hours observing a master in action. There is a high chance once I’ve seen him in person that he will sell me one of his courses in the future or at least one of his books to read on the train ride back to the Cute House.
This is how ezines work. In my Practice Building Success System I talk about creating a Marketing Train. Ezines are a guards van or caboose activity - what we call “keep in touch strategies”. If you are persistent and work your ezine strategy with your other marketing train activities, eventually the money tap will turn on.
I’ve been getting Dr John Martini’s ezine for about a year now and it took this article to spike my interest enough to react.
Never underestimate the power of a free newsletter or ezine. You might think no one is reading it because no one is reacting but all of a sudden, something you do will change the way your readers react.
I think there were ten things that made me react:
1. John had built trust in previous communications
2. He was on The Secret and I liked his message
3. His article told the truth about a time when he wasn’t doing so well
4. The article was aimed to help others who are coming up the ladder - not to sell
5. It was timely – only a week out from the event so I knew time was running out and it is his last 2008 tour
6. He created scarcity – only 200 tickets for free
7. There was a strong call to action
8. It is in a nice venue that is close to a train line (important for me)
9. He used several different ways to speak with me – words, audio, visual etc
10. He made me feel special “as a member of his community”
PLUS - the name of the event is catchy - HOW TO MAKE ONE HELL OF A PROFIT AND STILL GET TO HEAVEN – he made me smile and even with his level of success it shows me he isn’t taking himself too seriously and gives me an idea that it will be an entertaining evening.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Lee Carroll Interview with Margaret Gill of Abundant Private Practices (Sept 08)
In our journey we sometimes forget to look back and see how far we have come.
I have attached an audio to this post that sees me leap a significant (for me) milestone. I had the great honour to interview Lee Carroll who is the original channel of Kryon and author of the 12 Kryon books and is co-author of the book the Indigo Children.
You would be most impressed by that if you were a member of the Kryon community but everyone cannot fail to admire what an awesome job Lee has done in getting the Kryon message to the world. For anyone who knows me, it is no secret that I'm a BIG Kryon fan. It's certainly not for everyone, and I'm not saying you have to share my enthusiasm for channelled work but I guess what I'm saying is - have a listen to Lee the human first, then see if you want to move up to Kryon.
But for me it was a chance to look back to April 2000 when I was first introduced to the Kryon books by Trish Ellis, one of my most loved mentors. I read all the books voraciously; I was insatiable, reading all the books written to date then hanging out waiting for the next one to be released. Then, glory be, he started loading channels on his website for free that I could listen to at all hours of the day and night. I did all the exercises, I took on board the messages and gaily skipped over all the scientific stuff figuring there would be others who were taking care of that aspect!
As I read and listened, I dreamed of a time when I could go to a Kryon event live, but back then I would never have had the confidence to register and pay, let alone actually turn up (seriously I was that shy and full of “everyone else would be welcome but why would they want me there” - sad but the truth of who I was back then).
Then I read more and implemented more changes in my life and I listened deeply to what was being said and I went to courses that would help me overcome my fears, until one day in Loveland Colorado in 2006 for the very first Kryon Discovery Series – I had finally found myself at a live Kryon event - the one where Kryon told us that we could go out and bring peace to the planet, should we choose (but that's another blog post or fifty to explan what that has done to my life!)
What’s more I found myself speaking to Lee Carroll personally more than once during the event. Imagine that! Lee would laugh to hear me thinking this was a big deal because he is so down to earth and accessible during these events but I was such a scaredy cat in the early days that I would have run a mile rather than confront my fear of talking with strangers, let alone famous strangers!
Then this month I got to interview Lee Carroll for an hour on the phone. I can tell you I LOVED IT, in fact you will hear me in the unedited audio get so interested in what he was saying that I forgot I was asking the questions :-) Gosh I even made a technical mistake and still loved every moment.
So I’d love you to have a listen and maybe don’t get too wound up in the channelling aspect of things, but just think who you would like to interview and think about what it might take to make it a reality….because the cool thing is, if I could do it – so could you!
Who knows we might even see you at the Australian Kryon event in Melbourne 7-8 February 2009 – you can get more details here at Chris Hooper's website
You can find out more about Kryon here:
But for now, just kick back and have a listen to the interview below - Lee is a highly knowable man and it was a fun and enlightening call.
Lee Carroll is the orginal channel of Kryon and Lee spoke with Margaret Gill about the upcoming Australian Kryon tour in February 2009, plus a few other things that are going on for the planet and humanity at this time.
MP3 File
Thursday, 18 September 2008
How To Get On A Teleclass
I do a lot of my work on the phone and a lot of this work includes having a lot of people on the phone at once. This is called a "teleclass" or "teleseminar" or "teleconference" and we talk about "getting up onto a bridgeline" to get onto a call.
I'm always a bit amazed how people get bent out of shape when they think about using teleclass technology and bridgelines.
It is really dead easy.
So to help people I've created this 16 minute audio to talk you through the process using really basic language.
Mz Margz Talking about How To Get On A Teleclass
MP3 File
Please have a listen so it makes me feel ok about the 16 minutes I spent sitting in my office all alone talking to myself :-)
So turn on your speakers, click on the heart to start the recording and by the end I hope I will have convinced you to at least have a go.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Thinking Outside the Square
There are two really interesting concepts on Springwise today.
Free Dance lessons at Paris Airport and Last Minute Spa Bookings in New York.
The dancing lessons tweaked my interest because I though what could therapists teach or offer at places where you would least expect to see a therapist.
How about neck and shoulder massage at hardware stores – must be a heap of tradies that have bad backs and you could hustle up some business.
Garden centres took to the café concept very quickly – what if a reflexologist set up a chair in the corner and offered sessions to weary gardeners.
It is really about thinking right outside the square and approaching the owners with the concept. When you are first to offer something in the marketplace then of course you will struggle initially and get some funny looks. But it is the weird "out there" ideas that set the trends for the future.
Then there is the wotif concept for therapists. So many therapists have downtime, particualry in the early days. Wotif have cornered the last minute accommodation market – how about someone setting up a system where you could place your treatments at a discounted price – at least get something for a spot where no one was going to be and at the same time probably attract a new client who could end up one of the faithful clients who come back many times over.
I have a hotel I stay at in Sydney that I found on Wotif and I wouldn’t have stayed there for full rate but now I always stay there because they treat me like a long lost friend.
There are many ways to get known out in the business world – what crazy places can you think of to start offering treatments at? Oh –the massage at the airport is already being done – but there are still a lot of untapped possibilities.
Ummm - please just pretend you don't know me if you see me doing free dance lessons at Paris Airport :-)
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Using Experiential Testimonials to Sell Your Services for You
A new site was bought to my attention this morning and is a new twist on mobile treatments services.
Nothing new in the mobile treatment concept but I was interested to read how this site had used the model of having past clients give feedback on their experiences.
Experiential testimonials are a very powerful tool.
Testimonials have long been a great way to let others tell your potential clients how much your service has helped them. Sadly humans will take notice of a third party far quicker than they will believe the person at source. So when a past client gets to have their say on the quality of the treatment, it becomes a very strong selling point. It is why trashy magazines can write so many untruths about celebrities and have people queuing to buy. We will believe the reporter who has probably never even met the celeb over the celeb telling us the truth.
The power of experiential testimonials is huge. When travelling I always read the comments of past guests in the accommodation I’m thinking about staying in because it can often highlight good points you hadn’t thought of plus it can give some honest feedback on some of the bad things you don’t want included in your stays such as noise or dodgy location.
As the health and wellbeing industry starts to introduce technology that will allow people to share their experiences, it makes it even more important to have strong personal posture, quality packages and services and strong customer focus.
You can read the article by clicking here
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Make Sure You Are Spam Compliant
Spam is a major issue these days.
Spam are those pesky emails, texts and communications you didn't ask to get and provide you with information you don't want and despite your best efforts you can't seem to stop them flooding your inbox.
Parliaments all over the world have recognised the problem and have bought in legislation to ensure the control of spam. The laws are very hard to enforce but just because there is a low likelihood of you getting caught doesn't mean you don't need to understand these laws and ensure you are compliant if you are marketing online or sending out bulk emails or newsletters or ezines.
This is a very valuable two page document from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) giving you a basic overview of consent - click here to view
Following are a few of the different countries that have introduced spam laws.
Australia - view the actual Spam Act Here
New Zealand
United States
Click here for a site that has excellent information on many other countries Spam Laws.
This is a great publication on how to protect YOUR business from spam here
If you hate spam remember the old adage - "do undo others as you would have them do unto you" - get clear what spam is and ensure you aren't unintentionally spamming your customers.
All information is given is current at the time of writing and is given as a guide only, you are best advised to consult someone who specialises in Anti Spam Legislation to determine your exact policy.
Spam are those pesky emails, texts and communications you didn't ask to get and provide you with information you don't want and despite your best efforts you can't seem to stop them flooding your inbox.
Parliaments all over the world have recognised the problem and have bought in legislation to ensure the control of spam. The laws are very hard to enforce but just because there is a low likelihood of you getting caught doesn't mean you don't need to understand these laws and ensure you are compliant if you are marketing online or sending out bulk emails or newsletters or ezines.
This is a very valuable two page document from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) giving you a basic overview of consent - click here to view
Following are a few of the different countries that have introduced spam laws.
Australia - view the actual Spam Act Here
New Zealand
United States
Click here for a site that has excellent information on many other countries Spam Laws.
This is a great publication on how to protect YOUR business from spam here
If you hate spam remember the old adage - "do undo others as you would have them do unto you" - get clear what spam is and ensure you aren't unintentionally spamming your customers.
All information is given is current at the time of writing and is given as a guide only, you are best advised to consult someone who specialises in Anti Spam Legislation to determine your exact policy.
Friday, 18 July 2008
Could Dreambank Fund Your Training?
Dreambank is a really cool tool created to help people substitute gift giving for experiences. Think how many "things" you have been given in the past that haven't been you or you simply didn't like or you just looked at and thought hmmm, "maybe when the trims on?"
I've been taught to just move those things on with love and gratitude but what if you could replace the unwanted item with something you truly desired.
Dreambank have set up a system where you can post your dreams and instead of your friends and family buying you gifts you don't want, they simply add cash to your dream account.
One of it's greatest assets is that it is a highly eco friendly concept. It is an online transaction so no visit to the mall necessary, it doesn't create a lot of junk that needs to be cleared out eventually. It reduces your clutter making way for the things you really want and it takes the agony out of gift buying because people are giving you something you really want. Perhaps your rellies could even include the savings they made on petrol by not having to drive to the shops.
Financial partners working behind the scenes are PayPal and HSBC, so it has some serious metal behind the idea.
You can read more about the concept here at Springwise
I wondered if people could start posting their learning dreams up to Dreambank which would help cover the cost of getting qualifications in the natural therapy industry, and we all know that doesn't come cheap and every little bit would help get your dreams of having a successful natural therapy practice one step closer.
What else could you use it for?
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Molly Carlile Awarded a Churchill Trust Fellowship
Congratualtions to friend of Abundant Private Practices and June MOSH Pit Guest GURU - MS MOLLY CARLILE who last week was awarded a Churchill Trust Fellowship award to further her studies overseas.
The grant has been given to Molly to explore how the arts are being used in health promotion to facilitate community 'death discussions'. She will travel to the USA, U.K. and Ireland to interview people involved in the area and to make valuable contacts that will continue her work in this area.
GO MOLLY!!!! A grand example of how following your dreams and putting in consistent perstistent action gets results.
You can hear Molly being our Guest GURU in the MOSH Pit in June in the post below.
You can learn more about Churchill Fellowships here
The grant has been given to Molly to explore how the arts are being used in health promotion to facilitate community 'death discussions'. She will travel to the USA, U.K. and Ireland to interview people involved in the area and to make valuable contacts that will continue her work in this area.
GO MOLLY!!!! A grand example of how following your dreams and putting in consistent perstistent action gets results.
You can hear Molly being our Guest GURU in the MOSH Pit in June in the post below.
You can learn more about Churchill Fellowships here
Friday, 4 July 2008
Molly Carlile Interview
I had the pleasure to interview Molly Carlile on the MOSH Pit Guest GURU class for June 2008.
Molly had some wonderful information to share and you can listen to the interview here:
Molly Interview
MP3 File
As an accredited counsellor, educator and university lecturer Molly Carlile has provided grief and bereavement support for clients of all ages, in addition to providing extensive education programs for health professionals, schools and community organisations.
Molly has a firm commitment to the philosophy of holistic care for clients and holistic self care for health professionals.
Molly has a firm commitment to the "compassionate workplace" concept and actively promotes this approach both in the health and corporate sectors, in her regular speaking engagements.
Molly is a Reiki Master, Essence of Angels and Crystal Light Healing Practitioner
She has written two books - the first a childrens book called "Jelly Bean's Secret"
She is regularly featured on the ABC talking about grief issues around sudden death.
Molly produces and hosts a program on The Podcast Network called Dead Serious which addresses issues of spirituality, life, death and how we make meaning in an increasingly isolated social world.
And in her spare time Molly has recently collaborated with celebrated actor and playwright, Alan Hopgood in the production of "Four Funerals in One Day" a play that explores the role of storytelling in the lives of dying patients and their carers.
Molly is intimately involved (via Quay Initiatives Australia) in the development of a "Community Embassy" at Pier 9, Docklands which will be launched in early 2008 and will provide citizenship and leadership education, community development activities and community support programs for the people of Melbourne.
You will have to look on her website to see her qualifications because she has so many letters behind her name that you'd think she was the alphabet!
You can find out more about Molly at her website:
Molly had some wonderful information to share and you can listen to the interview here:
Molly Interview
MP3 File
As an accredited counsellor, educator and university lecturer Molly Carlile has provided grief and bereavement support for clients of all ages, in addition to providing extensive education programs for health professionals, schools and community organisations.
Molly has a firm commitment to the philosophy of holistic care for clients and holistic self care for health professionals.
Molly has a firm commitment to the "compassionate workplace" concept and actively promotes this approach both in the health and corporate sectors, in her regular speaking engagements.
Molly is a Reiki Master, Essence of Angels and Crystal Light Healing Practitioner
She has written two books - the first a childrens book called "Jelly Bean's Secret"
She is regularly featured on the ABC talking about grief issues around sudden death.
Molly produces and hosts a program on The Podcast Network called Dead Serious which addresses issues of spirituality, life, death and how we make meaning in an increasingly isolated social world.
And in her spare time Molly has recently collaborated with celebrated actor and playwright, Alan Hopgood in the production of "Four Funerals in One Day" a play that explores the role of storytelling in the lives of dying patients and their carers.
Molly is intimately involved (via Quay Initiatives Australia) in the development of a "Community Embassy" at Pier 9, Docklands which will be launched in early 2008 and will provide citizenship and leadership education, community development activities and community support programs for the people of Melbourne.
You will have to look on her website to see her qualifications because she has so many letters behind her name that you'd think she was the alphabet!
You can find out more about Molly at her website:
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Catering for the Over 60's Niche Market
Again this month Springwise, the future trend ezine for entreprenuers, has come up with a great retail concept for the Health and Wellbeing Industry.
A shop in Lyon France is catering exclusively to people over 65 and are offering products and services that keep them well. In the past many shops catered for this market but were focused on fixing problems that already existed like providing walking frames or particular disabilities.
With the aging baby boomers staying “weller” for longer, there is a huge opportunity for health and wellbeing practitioners in small businesses to provide positive service experiences for people who want to stay healthy and happy for as long as they can.
You can read more about the store here
A shop in Lyon France is catering exclusively to people over 65 and are offering products and services that keep them well. In the past many shops catered for this market but were focused on fixing problems that already existed like providing walking frames or particular disabilities.
With the aging baby boomers staying “weller” for longer, there is a huge opportunity for health and wellbeing practitioners in small businesses to provide positive service experiences for people who want to stay healthy and happy for as long as they can.
You can read more about the store here
Monday, 16 June 2008
The Benefits of Using Teleclasses in Your Business
Teleclasses are a great way to add new revenue streams to your business, but very few holistic practitioners are actually running them. Certainly it is an uphill battle to make people understand how easy teleclasses are to participate in and run but that little bit of extra effort is well worth the reward.
Even if you just ran one per month with 10 participants paying $50 each – that extra $500 per month equates to an extra $6,000 per annum. Teleclasses could pay for that overseas trip you thought you couldn't afford.
The benefits of teleclasses are many but here are Top Ten I love the best:
1. Amazingly cheap (no room hire or travel costs)
2. Convenience (you don’t need to leave home)
3. 100% efficient use of your time (no need to factor in traffic or public transport)
4. Location friendly (you can do them from home or the office or the beach!)
5. Full interaction of participants
6. Classes are recorded so your participants can listen again until they fully
grasp the concepts
7. You can sell the recordings on your website or create CD’s and create passive revenue streams
8. You only need a landline telephone
9. No fuss - you can do the class in your pyjamas if you like
10. Its fun and easy!
Check out my website to learn what teleclasses I have on offer.
Even if you just ran one per month with 10 participants paying $50 each – that extra $500 per month equates to an extra $6,000 per annum. Teleclasses could pay for that overseas trip you thought you couldn't afford.
The benefits of teleclasses are many but here are Top Ten I love the best:
1. Amazingly cheap (no room hire or travel costs)
2. Convenience (you don’t need to leave home)
3. 100% efficient use of your time (no need to factor in traffic or public transport)
4. Location friendly (you can do them from home or the office or the beach!)
5. Full interaction of participants
6. Classes are recorded so your participants can listen again until they fully
grasp the concepts
7. You can sell the recordings on your website or create CD’s and create passive revenue streams
8. You only need a landline telephone
9. No fuss - you can do the class in your pyjamas if you like
10. Its fun and easy!
Check out my website to learn what teleclasses I have on offer.
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Barriers to Coaching Business Success
This is an extract from an excellent article by Steve Mitten an ICF Master Certified Coach in this months ICF Victoria Newsletter Coach Connection.
When you read through replace the word "coach" with "natural therapist" or your modalitiy. Steve does a great job of highlighting how important growing your business needs to be in your consiousness and that business building is a science in itself and needs the proper resources and time.
Barriers to Coaching Business Success
Maybe I have seen a few too many clips of Dr. Phil, berating his guests but I agree with one of his mantras, you really can't change things that you don't acknowledge. So, in service of raising awareness, and in hopes of minimising the suffering of those who are called to coach, here is my list of the actions that have the most negative impact your ability to make a decent living as a coach:
• Get no training, or sign up with the cheapest, unaccredited school that will train you in a matter of weeks, via DVD, and promise you a quick path to success.
• Fall in love with the coaching skills, spend all your time and money learning them, and never think about, or budget anything, to learn the basic business and entrepreneurial skills.
• Jump into coaching with an all or nothing approach, without researching, or budgeting for, how long it will take and how much it will cost you. (Longer than you expect and far more than the cost of tuition).
• Wait until you have finished all your training, all everyone else's training, and gone on to get two or three PhDs before you believe you are finally competent enough to begin to coach.
• Never attempt to find an ideal client group (niche) and thus waste a lot of time and effort on ineffective, unrelated, marketing initiatives directed at people who cannot afford you or are too stubborn to get any help with their problems.
• Attempt to sell this new generic service called "coaching" - that very few people really understand or want - as opposed to finding an existing need, which can be better solved through coaching.
• Never do anything to proactively manage your stress, so you will always be at level 1, reacting to the circumstances in your life instead of creating from them.
• Never grow as a human being, or develop a daily reflective practice, so you remain stuck in your habitual reactions, wresting with your shadow or pain body, and never grow in self-awareness.
• Never aspire to master the coaching skills or seek a reputable independent credential that establishes your competence in the marketplace.
• Try to do it all by yourself, instead of connecting to colleagues (free coaching circles, ICF chapters, using this network, hiring your own coach, etc.) for the support, information and shortcuts you will need.
• Try to reinvent the wheel as relates to finding out what works for marketing coaching services so you can fall into the very same potholes that all the coaches ahead of you have, and quit when you get discouraged. (And you will get discouraged dozens of times along the way).
• Price your services on your fears and insecurities, as opposed to actually doing the marketing work to see what other professionals charge, or what your clients actually use the service for and can afford.
• Believe you need to be some kind of business whiz with a Harvard MBA to coach anyone in organisations or small businesses.
• Offer only one solution, 1 to 1 coaching at one price level, so you only have one offering on the shelves of your virtual store.
• Don't keep track of how you spend your time and money each week, and have no idea how long you have to launch your practice before you run out of money.
• Don't have goals for your practice and have no idea how much time you must market each week to achieve the number of new clients you want.
• If you are not getting any clients from your current marketing efforts, keep doing what you have been doing until you run out of money.
• If you are not getting the results you want, believe it is because of your inherent incompetence, or unworthiness, and shrink away from the world as opposed to trusting we have all gone through the same thing, (and we all have our fair serving of incompetence and insecurities), and ask for help.
• Coach just for the money, never treat your clients - your brothers and sisters - as the great gifts and teachers they are, and never be grateful that coaching is giving you an opportunity to be of service to the world, every day.
About the Author:
Steve Mitten, B.ApSc, CPCC, MCC, is a highly experienced Master Certified Life and Business Coach and former president of the International Coach Federation. He frequently volunteers his time, ideas, and support to encourage coaches to excel in their work with clients. To learn more about Steve and his work, visit his website and blog at or
When you read through replace the word "coach" with "natural therapist" or your modalitiy. Steve does a great job of highlighting how important growing your business needs to be in your consiousness and that business building is a science in itself and needs the proper resources and time.
Barriers to Coaching Business Success
Maybe I have seen a few too many clips of Dr. Phil, berating his guests but I agree with one of his mantras, you really can't change things that you don't acknowledge. So, in service of raising awareness, and in hopes of minimising the suffering of those who are called to coach, here is my list of the actions that have the most negative impact your ability to make a decent living as a coach:
• Get no training, or sign up with the cheapest, unaccredited school that will train you in a matter of weeks, via DVD, and promise you a quick path to success.
• Fall in love with the coaching skills, spend all your time and money learning them, and never think about, or budget anything, to learn the basic business and entrepreneurial skills.
• Jump into coaching with an all or nothing approach, without researching, or budgeting for, how long it will take and how much it will cost you. (Longer than you expect and far more than the cost of tuition).
• Wait until you have finished all your training, all everyone else's training, and gone on to get two or three PhDs before you believe you are finally competent enough to begin to coach.
• Never attempt to find an ideal client group (niche) and thus waste a lot of time and effort on ineffective, unrelated, marketing initiatives directed at people who cannot afford you or are too stubborn to get any help with their problems.
• Attempt to sell this new generic service called "coaching" - that very few people really understand or want - as opposed to finding an existing need, which can be better solved through coaching.
• Never do anything to proactively manage your stress, so you will always be at level 1, reacting to the circumstances in your life instead of creating from them.
• Never grow as a human being, or develop a daily reflective practice, so you remain stuck in your habitual reactions, wresting with your shadow or pain body, and never grow in self-awareness.
• Never aspire to master the coaching skills or seek a reputable independent credential that establishes your competence in the marketplace.
• Try to do it all by yourself, instead of connecting to colleagues (free coaching circles, ICF chapters, using this network, hiring your own coach, etc.) for the support, information and shortcuts you will need.
• Try to reinvent the wheel as relates to finding out what works for marketing coaching services so you can fall into the very same potholes that all the coaches ahead of you have, and quit when you get discouraged. (And you will get discouraged dozens of times along the way).
• Price your services on your fears and insecurities, as opposed to actually doing the marketing work to see what other professionals charge, or what your clients actually use the service for and can afford.
• Believe you need to be some kind of business whiz with a Harvard MBA to coach anyone in organisations or small businesses.
• Offer only one solution, 1 to 1 coaching at one price level, so you only have one offering on the shelves of your virtual store.
• Don't keep track of how you spend your time and money each week, and have no idea how long you have to launch your practice before you run out of money.
• Don't have goals for your practice and have no idea how much time you must market each week to achieve the number of new clients you want.
• If you are not getting any clients from your current marketing efforts, keep doing what you have been doing until you run out of money.
• If you are not getting the results you want, believe it is because of your inherent incompetence, or unworthiness, and shrink away from the world as opposed to trusting we have all gone through the same thing, (and we all have our fair serving of incompetence and insecurities), and ask for help.
• Coach just for the money, never treat your clients - your brothers and sisters - as the great gifts and teachers they are, and never be grateful that coaching is giving you an opportunity to be of service to the world, every day.
About the Author:
Steve Mitten, B.ApSc, CPCC, MCC, is a highly experienced Master Certified Life and Business Coach and former president of the International Coach Federation. He frequently volunteers his time, ideas, and support to encourage coaches to excel in their work with clients. To learn more about Steve and his work, visit his website and blog at or
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Media Opportunities For You All
This week there has been comment in the media on two bits of mainstream science confirming a lot of what we know already.
I noticed a TV news article on Sunday night quoting a study published in the Medical Journal of Australia quoting that “from 2001 to 2003 there was a 40 per cent decrease in the number of Australian women taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and a 6.7 per cent reduction in the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer, equivalent to 600 fewer cases”. You can read the article on Medical News Today.
Also this week had a significant article about The 2008 Epigenetic Medicine Award Ceremony in LA celebrating the work being done in Epigentics, sometimes called Soul Medicine. According to Soul Medicine Institute (SMI), “Epigenetics is the new science describing influences that alter the expression of genes.” Epi- means above; so epigenetic means control of DNA from above or outside the gene. SMI notes that, “New research shows that consciousness (beliefs, feelings, prayer, energy, thought) may have epigenetic effects.”
The historic, first Epigenetic Medicine Award went to Randy Jirtle, Ph.D., director of the Laboratory of Epigenetics and Imprinting at Duke University. Dr. Jirtle is a professor of radiation oncology at the school's medical center. His groundbreaking research with agouti mice has revealed that a mother's diet during pregnancy can influence gene expression in her offspring by altering the epigenome. The result of changing the diet of the mother mouse caused two genetically identical mice to be born, one predisposed to cancer and obesity and one “normal” mouse baby. Guess which one had the good diet?
Gee whiz, a lot of this stuff is not exactly rocket science to us and the natural medicine world has “known” this for eons but it is wonderful news for your business.
As science starts to prove the theories of natural medicine, more people will feel comfortable embracing some of the more out there concepts like mice eating well during pregnancy.
This means more clients for your business.
I haven’t even read all the facts on either of these things BUT for you guys it is a grand excuse to have an in depth read and then go into the media and quote this research and hold yourself up as an expert on mice eating well (no seriously) on how diet and natural therapies are changing our world and how your business is the place that can help people live healthier and happier lives.
You can read more here:
I noticed a TV news article on Sunday night quoting a study published in the Medical Journal of Australia quoting that “from 2001 to 2003 there was a 40 per cent decrease in the number of Australian women taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and a 6.7 per cent reduction in the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer, equivalent to 600 fewer cases”. You can read the article on Medical News Today.
Also this week had a significant article about The 2008 Epigenetic Medicine Award Ceremony in LA celebrating the work being done in Epigentics, sometimes called Soul Medicine. According to Soul Medicine Institute (SMI), “Epigenetics is the new science describing influences that alter the expression of genes.” Epi- means above; so epigenetic means control of DNA from above or outside the gene. SMI notes that, “New research shows that consciousness (beliefs, feelings, prayer, energy, thought) may have epigenetic effects.”
The historic, first Epigenetic Medicine Award went to Randy Jirtle, Ph.D., director of the Laboratory of Epigenetics and Imprinting at Duke University. Dr. Jirtle is a professor of radiation oncology at the school's medical center. His groundbreaking research with agouti mice has revealed that a mother's diet during pregnancy can influence gene expression in her offspring by altering the epigenome. The result of changing the diet of the mother mouse caused two genetically identical mice to be born, one predisposed to cancer and obesity and one “normal” mouse baby. Guess which one had the good diet?
Gee whiz, a lot of this stuff is not exactly rocket science to us and the natural medicine world has “known” this for eons but it is wonderful news for your business.
As science starts to prove the theories of natural medicine, more people will feel comfortable embracing some of the more out there concepts like mice eating well during pregnancy.
This means more clients for your business.
I haven’t even read all the facts on either of these things BUT for you guys it is a grand excuse to have an in depth read and then go into the media and quote this research and hold yourself up as an expert on mice eating well (no seriously) on how diet and natural therapies are changing our world and how your business is the place that can help people live healthier and happier lives.
You can read more here:
Monday, 2 June 2008
ABC Radio Interview on Sea Change
Audio of my ABC Radio Interview - Wednesday 19th March 2008
MP3 File
I was recently interviewed on the ABC in Perth Australia.
I had a fun time being interviewed by James Lush and Andrew Wynne about Sea Change on the 720 ABC Morning Program.
The program looks at some aspect of modern life and they spoke with me about my own experience of sea change or in my instance tree change, the things I learned from it and the sort of things that are useful to others undergoing a similar change.
Sea change or tree change is something that has become very popular in the last few years but it has it's challenges. If you can last the first few years it has enormous benefits in terms of lifestyle and ability to feel in control of your life.
They introduce me about 5 minutes into the show and I'm on for about 25 minutes. It was really fun to do and I couldn't believe how quickly the time went by.
If you would like to listen you can just click on the link above and it will start to play for you.
MP3 File
I was recently interviewed on the ABC in Perth Australia.
I had a fun time being interviewed by James Lush and Andrew Wynne about Sea Change on the 720 ABC Morning Program.
The program looks at some aspect of modern life and they spoke with me about my own experience of sea change or in my instance tree change, the things I learned from it and the sort of things that are useful to others undergoing a similar change.
Sea change or tree change is something that has become very popular in the last few years but it has it's challenges. If you can last the first few years it has enormous benefits in terms of lifestyle and ability to feel in control of your life.
They introduce me about 5 minutes into the show and I'm on for about 25 minutes. It was really fun to do and I couldn't believe how quickly the time went by.
If you would like to listen you can just click on the link above and it will start to play for you.
Monday, 26 May 2008
Health and Wellness — A Smart Investment
I was interested to read an article on the Ladies Who Launch blog recently that stated people in the USA are sometimes investing as much as $100,000 (yes that’s right ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars) on their health and wellbeing over time.
At first I was a bit “whoa, that’s a lot” but then as the writer Beth Tansey Peller, a health writer and wellness coach rightly states, these people may be taking a “pay now or pay later” approach.
What can you do as therapists to promote this “pay now or pay later” concept in your marketing. I always hear how hard it is out there to get people coming regularly for natural therapy treatments. Why not introduce a conversation about how much NOT coming is going to cost in the long run.
A colleague I worked with in my corporate days once shared that she had conservatively calculated the cost of her breast cancer recovery at $13,000 ON TOP of the hospital bills & treatments her health fund paid. When you look at these types of numbers, it makes a lot of sense to take the action up front because the emotional cost of being “unwell” adds an even greater cost.
Click here to read the full article
At first I was a bit “whoa, that’s a lot” but then as the writer Beth Tansey Peller, a health writer and wellness coach rightly states, these people may be taking a “pay now or pay later” approach.
What can you do as therapists to promote this “pay now or pay later” concept in your marketing. I always hear how hard it is out there to get people coming regularly for natural therapy treatments. Why not introduce a conversation about how much NOT coming is going to cost in the long run.
A colleague I worked with in my corporate days once shared that she had conservatively calculated the cost of her breast cancer recovery at $13,000 ON TOP of the hospital bills & treatments her health fund paid. When you look at these types of numbers, it makes a lot of sense to take the action up front because the emotional cost of being “unwell” adds an even greater cost.
Click here to read the full article
Sunday, 25 May 2008
The Defiant Decision
I’m going to share a BIG dark secret with you. Please don’t tell any of those wafty positive souls who never let any dark thoughts or words pass through their being.
We have a lot of fear to bust and challenges to overcome when setting up a small practice, often working from home with little knowledge of what it takes to run a small business.
I love my positive statements but to be totally frank and honest the thing that makes me do the really hard stuff in my small business (like pick up the phone when I really don’t want to) is my Defiant Decision.
Do you remember the wonderful little cartoon of the defiant mouse that did the rounds a few years back? There was a cute little mouse standing on a barren cliff face with no where to go. Flying towards him was an enormous eagle with a massive wingspan and talons & beak ready to swoop in and rip him apart. The little mouse was standing there knowing he was seconds away from being eaten but he was defiantly giving the eagle the finger. The caption was “the last act of great defiance”. This is a funny but memorable message that has been etched into my brain as I defied the odds and got my practice happening.
My defiant decision statement is the thing I’ll do ANYTHING to avoid and it is:
“If you DON'T do this, you have to go back to corporate”
There it is my ultimate driving force. When everything else fails and I’m faced with doing something I really don’t want to do and all the positive affirmations aren’t working I simply say “well Margaret if you don’t do this and make a bit of money you’ll have to go back to corporate to pay the bills”.
You would be amazed how defiant I can become to that statement and how quickly I go into action when faced with the thought of going back to corporate.
The reason is that as humans we relate better to pain than pleasure (as weird as that sounds). So when I weigh up the pro’s and con’s of what it means to not be working for a boss again and not working on soul destroying projects with people who have sold their souls to the machine against the freedom of my own business, then it becomes an easy option. The reason is because I know what working for the machine feels like is because I can evoke that feeling in every cell.
My ultimate positive driver is to bring peace to the planet via helping natural therapists see more people. It’s a wonderful thought but as yet I haven’t fully experienced it so I can’t always use it fully to motivate myself.
So what is your defiant decision??
We have a lot of fear to bust and challenges to overcome when setting up a small practice, often working from home with little knowledge of what it takes to run a small business.
I love my positive statements but to be totally frank and honest the thing that makes me do the really hard stuff in my small business (like pick up the phone when I really don’t want to) is my Defiant Decision.
Do you remember the wonderful little cartoon of the defiant mouse that did the rounds a few years back? There was a cute little mouse standing on a barren cliff face with no where to go. Flying towards him was an enormous eagle with a massive wingspan and talons & beak ready to swoop in and rip him apart. The little mouse was standing there knowing he was seconds away from being eaten but he was defiantly giving the eagle the finger. The caption was “the last act of great defiance”. This is a funny but memorable message that has been etched into my brain as I defied the odds and got my practice happening.
My defiant decision statement is the thing I’ll do ANYTHING to avoid and it is:
“If you DON'T do this, you have to go back to corporate”
There it is my ultimate driving force. When everything else fails and I’m faced with doing something I really don’t want to do and all the positive affirmations aren’t working I simply say “well Margaret if you don’t do this and make a bit of money you’ll have to go back to corporate to pay the bills”.
You would be amazed how defiant I can become to that statement and how quickly I go into action when faced with the thought of going back to corporate.
The reason is that as humans we relate better to pain than pleasure (as weird as that sounds). So when I weigh up the pro’s and con’s of what it means to not be working for a boss again and not working on soul destroying projects with people who have sold their souls to the machine against the freedom of my own business, then it becomes an easy option. The reason is because I know what working for the machine feels like is because I can evoke that feeling in every cell.
My ultimate positive driver is to bring peace to the planet via helping natural therapists see more people. It’s a wonderful thought but as yet I haven’t fully experienced it so I can’t always use it fully to motivate myself.
So what is your defiant decision??
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Wellness Becomes Mainstream
For some time now I’ve been banging on to therapists about how natural therapies are going to become more and more mainstream as time goes on.
Once upon a time natural therapies were for hippies in white flowing dresses or wildly esoteric people who “grew their own” and were considered quite mad by the mainstream.
Now the mainstream are beginning to understand that natural therapies can not only “fix” whatever is wrong with them, natural therapies can in fact stop them getting sick in the first place if they eat well and have treatments that reduce stress and promote wellness. Gosh – we’ve known this for such a long time. We are early adopters but the mainstream is slow to catch on. Look at how long it took for the mainstream to believe the world wasn’t flat when Christopher Columbus first started touting his “weird” theories.
I read an article today about one-stop shopping for wellness in South Africa. They have set up a wonderful environment where you can buy your groceries, visit the natural medicine dispensary and pharmacy; and have a spa treatment & purchase eco friendly health and fitness products all in the same warehouse type structure. There is already a shop in Richmond Melbourne that has a few of these aspects all under one roof but on a smaller scale.
If natural therapists don’t start embracing these big money themes we will end up with the same fate as the local corner store with big one stop shops knocking out the little guy.
Now it is time for natural therapists to stop thinking like “flat earthers” and stop marketing their businesses like they have done in the past. The hippies loved all the angels, butterflies and stars we so love to put on our marketing but these images & mindsets will alienate the mainstream because they are used to being influenced by more contemporary marketing.
Now is the time to start thinking how you can best market your business to the mainstream.
You can read the article here
Once upon a time natural therapies were for hippies in white flowing dresses or wildly esoteric people who “grew their own” and were considered quite mad by the mainstream.
Now the mainstream are beginning to understand that natural therapies can not only “fix” whatever is wrong with them, natural therapies can in fact stop them getting sick in the first place if they eat well and have treatments that reduce stress and promote wellness. Gosh – we’ve known this for such a long time. We are early adopters but the mainstream is slow to catch on. Look at how long it took for the mainstream to believe the world wasn’t flat when Christopher Columbus first started touting his “weird” theories.
I read an article today about one-stop shopping for wellness in South Africa. They have set up a wonderful environment where you can buy your groceries, visit the natural medicine dispensary and pharmacy; and have a spa treatment & purchase eco friendly health and fitness products all in the same warehouse type structure. There is already a shop in Richmond Melbourne that has a few of these aspects all under one roof but on a smaller scale.
If natural therapists don’t start embracing these big money themes we will end up with the same fate as the local corner store with big one stop shops knocking out the little guy.
Now it is time for natural therapists to stop thinking like “flat earthers” and stop marketing their businesses like they have done in the past. The hippies loved all the angels, butterflies and stars we so love to put on our marketing but these images & mindsets will alienate the mainstream because they are used to being influenced by more contemporary marketing.
Now is the time to start thinking how you can best market your business to the mainstream.
You can read the article here
Friday, 16 May 2008
I did my very first public speaking gig last night- and they loved me and I loved doing it too! It’s kinda cool to be paid to talk isn’t it? I handed around feedback forms at the end which they all filled in positively and at the bottom I had a ‘please write your contact details if you would like more information or a private consultation’ section – and they all filled in their names and numbers.
My question is – what time interval is appropriate to ring them – within the next week or two? Sooner? Later?
This is a great question and the short answer is FOLLOW UP UNTIL THEY BUY OR DIE!!!
Leads get cold very quickly and the longer you leave them the less chance you have of getting these people as a client. We like to think our messages are memorable and people will remember us forever but in most cases we are gone from their memory banks within a few days. This is why newsletters, follow up activities and making the phone your friend are so important. If you don’t keep yourself in front of your prospects someone else will swoop in and pinch them from you.
So in an instance such as above – the answer is to ideally follow up the next day with a phone call. If you can’t do the phone call immediately you need to at least make email contact within two days and then a phone call a couple of days later.
In future, whenever you speak, as soon as you get the booking, schedule time in your diary for the very next day so you can do your follow up immediately.
Well done on getting out there and doing speaking engagements. This is one of the best and most powerful ways to get known and grow your business.
If you would like to know more about follow up please visit my website and read the follow up article that appeared on the Empowering Women website.
I did my very first public speaking gig last night- and they loved me and I loved doing it too! It’s kinda cool to be paid to talk isn’t it? I handed around feedback forms at the end which they all filled in positively and at the bottom I had a ‘please write your contact details if you would like more information or a private consultation’ section – and they all filled in their names and numbers.
My question is – what time interval is appropriate to ring them – within the next week or two? Sooner? Later?
This is a great question and the short answer is FOLLOW UP UNTIL THEY BUY OR DIE!!!
Leads get cold very quickly and the longer you leave them the less chance you have of getting these people as a client. We like to think our messages are memorable and people will remember us forever but in most cases we are gone from their memory banks within a few days. This is why newsletters, follow up activities and making the phone your friend are so important. If you don’t keep yourself in front of your prospects someone else will swoop in and pinch them from you.
So in an instance such as above – the answer is to ideally follow up the next day with a phone call. If you can’t do the phone call immediately you need to at least make email contact within two days and then a phone call a couple of days later.
In future, whenever you speak, as soon as you get the booking, schedule time in your diary for the very next day so you can do your follow up immediately.
Well done on getting out there and doing speaking engagements. This is one of the best and most powerful ways to get known and grow your business.
If you would like to know more about follow up please visit my website and read the follow up article that appeared on the Empowering Women website.
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Release of Robert Rabbin's New Book RealTime Speaking - Which I am Featured In!
I am VERY excited because I have been featured by prominent author Robert Rabbin in his latest book called "RealTime Speaking: YOU are the Message!", which was released this month.
You can listen here to an inteview I did with Robert earlier in the year where he spends nearly an hour discussing what RealTime Speaking is and how we can use it in our lives and businesses, particularly when we are promoting ourselves as the message.
Robert Rabbin Interview
MP3 File
My chapter is titled “Dark Night of the Soul” and tells the vivid story of a decision made on the freezing cold floor of my Victorian cottage in Hepburn Springs. The decision to get up off the floor has lead to an ability to speak publicly about my passion to work positively with others who lead from the heart. The story follows what needed to occur to take me from feeling like “a total loser” after my move from the city to finding the authenticity and power to deliver messages others wanted to hear.
In August 2008 I will deliver a key note speech at the Utopia International Retreat in Noosa called “Leading from the Heart” and this win was made possible by working with Robert Rabbin and learning what it took to express my true self.
Rabbin’s book comprises 26 essays by RealTime Speaking workshop participants — Australians from all walks of life, from leadership experts to magazine editors, from corporate managers to holistic healers — who tell their profound and poignant stories of personal growth and professional success by claiming their power to speak publicly with credibility and confidence, finding deeper meaning along the way, and transforming their lives with the power of authentic self-expression.
The book is drawing excellent reviews can be purchased from Roberts’s website at .
You can listen here to an inteview I did with Robert earlier in the year where he spends nearly an hour discussing what RealTime Speaking is and how we can use it in our lives and businesses, particularly when we are promoting ourselves as the message.
Robert Rabbin Interview
MP3 File
My chapter is titled “Dark Night of the Soul” and tells the vivid story of a decision made on the freezing cold floor of my Victorian cottage in Hepburn Springs. The decision to get up off the floor has lead to an ability to speak publicly about my passion to work positively with others who lead from the heart. The story follows what needed to occur to take me from feeling like “a total loser” after my move from the city to finding the authenticity and power to deliver messages others wanted to hear.
In August 2008 I will deliver a key note speech at the Utopia International Retreat in Noosa called “Leading from the Heart” and this win was made possible by working with Robert Rabbin and learning what it took to express my true self.
Rabbin’s book comprises 26 essays by RealTime Speaking workshop participants — Australians from all walks of life, from leadership experts to magazine editors, from corporate managers to holistic healers — who tell their profound and poignant stories of personal growth and professional success by claiming their power to speak publicly with credibility and confidence, finding deeper meaning along the way, and transforming their lives with the power of authentic self-expression.
The book is drawing excellent reviews can be purchased from Roberts’s website at .
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Love Your Client Files

This week I completed a big load of admin and part of that process was setting up new client files. WE LOVE NEW CLIENT FILES!!
It took me back to some very valuable advice I got from my coach in the early days and that was to always treat client files with love. Of course I have taken that to its extreme but when I’m getting files set up I always finish with a great sense of accomplishment and joy which I believe contributes to the great results we get together.
Things to remember about setting up client files:
Always have a big pile of empty files ready to go. This gives the Universe the message that you are ready and waiting for clients and can handle the task.
Just before Christmas I made up a big pile of files and put them under a pretty sign that says: ”New Client Files Waiting to be Filled”. When I looked at it even I thought it was a very ambitious pile but I’m pleased to report it is empty as we speak and I’m due to print off a whole new bundle.
The Blank Files have the following:
1. A check list that I work through ticking the boxes as I set the client up in my system. (We lurve check lists)
2. A sheet I use to record their calls and their payments.
Make Your Files Special
I use coloured folders and I match the colour to the person.
* Red – Highly PassionateUsually the file that comes off the top of the pile matches the person exactly.
* Yellow – Bright and Sunny
* Green – Heart Based
* Blue – Communicators and Talkers!
* Purple – Spiritual
Needless to say they get a little label printed out on my favourite piece of office equipment and once all the tasks in the set up process are complete they go into the filing cabinet with my other files.
This might seem a little over the top to many, but I feel my filing cabinet is the receptacle of peoples dreams and aspirations and I feel they deserve to be treated in a very special & loving manner.
What is your policy on staff files?
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
The Power of Effective Follow Up
Have you ever been in the situation where you set up a course or did a mail out but didn’t get the response you desired because you didn’t follow-up?
If you aren’t going to do the follow up from a mail shot or networking event you might as well have been at the beach instead of doing the mail out or networking event. The net effect from not following up or being at the beach will be the same – no clients. There is no point slaving over these things if you aren’t going to follow up and convert at least some of the leads you get to clients.
Unsure about whether to call or email?
Wondering how to be diligent and professional with your follow-up without seeming needy or pushy?
I recommend the Call/Email/Call approach.
STEP 1: Make a follow-up phone call
Begin with a follow-up phone call. Calling is a great place to start because if you reach the person you have an immediate opportunity to reconnect. If you get their voicemail, leave a message.
Here is a sample voicemail message script:
“Hi Sue, this is Sally Jones, the Kinesiologist. We met at the Business Women’s meeting last night. You mentioned you would be interested in having a treatment with me to help you move forward with that health challenge you have been experiencing.
I’d love to schedule a consultation with you to discuss if my treatments could help you. My phone number is xx-xxxx-xxxx and the best time to reach me is xxx. I’ll also send you an email in case that is a better way for us to connect.
Sue, I really enjoyed meeting you and I look forward to speaking with you soon.”
STEP 2: Send a Follow-Up Email
Your follow-up email should communicate the same basic information as your voice mail. In addition, offer a way that he/she can stay in touch in case the person is not currently ready to schedule a session.
STEP 3: Make one more follow-up phone call
If you have not heard back from the person after one week, make one more follow-up phone call. The key points for this call are to briefly reiterate your offer and remind them why they would want to speak to you while still leaving the decision totally up to them.
For example,
“Hi Sue, this is Sally Jones. I’m calling to see if you received my voice and email messages last week. Based on our conversation at the Women’s Business meeting, I’m guessing you’ve been busy and might be hesitant to add anything else to your ‘To Do’ list.
My offer of a two for one session still stands. If you decide to schedule it, my goal would be to give you some real value so you can experience for yourself how working with a Kinesiologist can really help you find a healthy balance in your body.
Of course it is totally your decision, so if you would like to set something up please call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx or email me at
I hope to hear from you!"
STEP 4: Let go!
Don’t be like the fisherman who keeps thinking about the “one that got away.” If the person doesn’t respond, simply let go. Feel good about your professionalism, the actions you have taken and the value you have provided. You have planted a seed and that is never a bad thing. Keep looking forward and taking inspired action in your business. Some of the seeds you sow WILL grow in the future, you just don’t know which ones!
If you aren’t going to do the follow up from a mail shot or networking event you might as well have been at the beach instead of doing the mail out or networking event. The net effect from not following up or being at the beach will be the same – no clients. There is no point slaving over these things if you aren’t going to follow up and convert at least some of the leads you get to clients.
Unsure about whether to call or email?
Wondering how to be diligent and professional with your follow-up without seeming needy or pushy?
I recommend the Call/Email/Call approach.
STEP 1: Make a follow-up phone call
Begin with a follow-up phone call. Calling is a great place to start because if you reach the person you have an immediate opportunity to reconnect. If you get their voicemail, leave a message.
Here is a sample voicemail message script:
“Hi Sue, this is Sally Jones, the Kinesiologist. We met at the Business Women’s meeting last night. You mentioned you would be interested in having a treatment with me to help you move forward with that health challenge you have been experiencing.
I’d love to schedule a consultation with you to discuss if my treatments could help you. My phone number is xx-xxxx-xxxx and the best time to reach me is xxx. I’ll also send you an email in case that is a better way for us to connect.
Sue, I really enjoyed meeting you and I look forward to speaking with you soon.”
STEP 2: Send a Follow-Up Email
Your follow-up email should communicate the same basic information as your voice mail. In addition, offer a way that he/she can stay in touch in case the person is not currently ready to schedule a session.
STEP 3: Make one more follow-up phone call
If you have not heard back from the person after one week, make one more follow-up phone call. The key points for this call are to briefly reiterate your offer and remind them why they would want to speak to you while still leaving the decision totally up to them.
For example,
“Hi Sue, this is Sally Jones. I’m calling to see if you received my voice and email messages last week. Based on our conversation at the Women’s Business meeting, I’m guessing you’ve been busy and might be hesitant to add anything else to your ‘To Do’ list.
My offer of a two for one session still stands. If you decide to schedule it, my goal would be to give you some real value so you can experience for yourself how working with a Kinesiologist can really help you find a healthy balance in your body.
Of course it is totally your decision, so if you would like to set something up please call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx or email me at
I hope to hear from you!"
STEP 4: Let go!
Don’t be like the fisherman who keeps thinking about the “one that got away.” If the person doesn’t respond, simply let go. Feel good about your professionalism, the actions you have taken and the value you have provided. You have planted a seed and that is never a bad thing. Keep looking forward and taking inspired action in your business. Some of the seeds you sow WILL grow in the future, you just don’t know which ones!
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Using YouTube to Get Known
Today I am #1 on YouTube in the category of #42 - Most Viewed (Today) - Howto & Style - Australia – it’s the biggest load of rubbish I’ve ever produced but 31 people have watched it SO FAR!
This is the power of the free tools that are available
When you use tools like Blogger and YouTube alongside your own tools (I used my newsletter) they can become very powerful. I put a small note in my newsletter which gave people the option to click through and watch the video after I wrote a story on having harmonious workspaces. I'm not suggesting you all go out and madly film your office and just bung it up there - it's not about the topic it is all about the underlying story and message that gives people a reason to click. But it does show the power of the internet.
You might notice there has also been blog posts on the same topic.
Tools like Blogger, YouTube, Ning, MySpace, FaceBook are called Social Networks.
Here is a massive hint for anyone who is interested in using these free but very powerful social networks. One common message placed in many different places = gets clicks.
Social Networks work because every now and then someone who doesn't know you clicks and suddenly they DO know you. People that already know you get to know a little more about you. Eventually trust builds up and eventually they will become clients and they will refer someone who will become a client.
People image you need a lot of time to participate in all these activities. I'll be totally honest with you here - they take a bit of time to set up and get in motion but like any of your marketing activities once that train is rolling it is VERY easy to maintain.
If you aren't using or at least learning how to participate in these social networks - then you are missing out big time.
You can view my masterpiece here (I used my mobile phone to record it so the quality is pretty naff but 31 people have watched it:
This is the power of the free tools that are available
When you use tools like Blogger and YouTube alongside your own tools (I used my newsletter) they can become very powerful. I put a small note in my newsletter which gave people the option to click through and watch the video after I wrote a story on having harmonious workspaces. I'm not suggesting you all go out and madly film your office and just bung it up there - it's not about the topic it is all about the underlying story and message that gives people a reason to click. But it does show the power of the internet.
You might notice there has also been blog posts on the same topic.
Tools like Blogger, YouTube, Ning, MySpace, FaceBook are called Social Networks.
Here is a massive hint for anyone who is interested in using these free but very powerful social networks. One common message placed in many different places = gets clicks.
Social Networks work because every now and then someone who doesn't know you clicks and suddenly they DO know you. People that already know you get to know a little more about you. Eventually trust builds up and eventually they will become clients and they will refer someone who will become a client.
People image you need a lot of time to participate in all these activities. I'll be totally honest with you here - they take a bit of time to set up and get in motion but like any of your marketing activities once that train is rolling it is VERY easy to maintain.
If you aren't using or at least learning how to participate in these social networks - then you are missing out big time.
You can view my masterpiece here (I used my mobile phone to record it so the quality is pretty naff but 31 people have watched it:
Thursday, 20 March 2008
My Most Favourite Piece of Office Equipment.

I love it because it has flowers on it - it is funky groovy colours and IT WORKS!!!
With all the technology I deal with on a daily basis it is SO good to have something cheerful that doesn't require a lot of brain work and it helps me be more effective in my work.
Everyone should have a labeller!
My labeller has revolutionised my office. All my files are properly labelled now and I can find things. I use it to label client files and the little doovers that sit on the suspension files. Every time I open the client file draw I send a whoosh of love out to those files because they make me feel good and I’m sure those clients pick up that energy.
As silly as my labelling fetish is, it will help to build my business because the better I feel about things - the more attractive I am to others. Read the post below to find out how Feng Shui can help you get your office energy effectice.
Would love you to share your most favourite office or treatment room tool - just add a comment.
Ten tips to maximising the Feng Shui of your office
This month the article in my newsletter "powerful practice-building tips" is about Getting Your Office Environment into shape.
Rachel Ross of Fifth Element Feng Shui has kindly put together a list of things to be aware of in your office environment to create a harmonious workspace. The list is a guide only because each individual space should be checked by a trained Feng Shui consultant to find the exact best results. Thanks Rachel and if you would like to check out her website - just click on this link
Ten tips to maximising the Feng Shui of your office.
1. Unseen Prosperity Energy: It is always preferable to have your office in a room or area of your building that has prosperous energy. Any one building can have up to two areas that are prosperous and contrary to popular belief, they are often located in different areas for each building. Prosperous energy zones can be located using Flying Star Feng Shui (the most powerful form of Feng Shui) and require a qualified consultant to accurately determine where these areas are. Placement of energy or ‘unseen’ influences in a building always carry the most weight and are individual for each building, so should be taken into account first for best results.
2. Furniture Arrangement: Simple furniture arrangement principles can be very useful as they help the life force energy flow better in a space. A rule of thumb is to make sure that your desk is positioned so there is a solid wall behind you when you are sitting at your desk. I see so many offices positioned facing walls. Whilst this may be a good use of space, it’s not a very supportive or inspiring arrangement. In Feng Shui, your backing or the ‘mountain’ behind you is most important as it relates to stability, harmony and support in your environment and your life. It also reflects the same arrangement principles that the Chinese consider extremely auspicious in the natural landscape. In short, a strong backing places you in a position of power.
3. See with Clarity: Ideally, the desk should be placed so that you can see the door from where you are sitting. Symbolically this can relate to openly accepting opportunities into your life and business as well as seeing things with greater with clarity. Avoid positioning the desk directly opposite the entrance. Energy can be too strong in this position and consequently it is not considered a productive of comfortable arrangement.
4. Area of accumulated energy: If your room allows, try placing your desk in the corner diagonally opposite the entrance to your office. When energy enters a room, life force energy will automatically travel and accumulate in the corner located at the furtherest point. If there is also a solid wall in this position, the energy will settle and strengthen in this location. Without backing or if the area has windows, this site will be weaker. Also, take note of how the door to your office is hinged. Does energy enter freely and easily into the space, or is the door hinged so that the first thing you see is a wall?
5. Favourable Directions: If possible, take advantage of your favourable directions. Derived from your year of birth, each individual will have a ‘Kua’ or ‘Ming Gua’ number. This number then correlates to 4 directions that can be favourable for an individual. Ideally, your favourable direction should be placed behind you when you are sitting at your desk. You can find out your favourable directions by visiting
7. Symmetry. Energy will flow evenly if your office is arranged in a way that is symmetrical. Symmetry encourages order in an environment, so make sure object placement is even and balanced in a room, that pictures and wall hangings line up and that chairs and your desk are aligned in an orderly manner. It is always better Feng Shui if your environment has symmetry so avoid placing the desk according to your favourable direction if it means furniture placement is angular and inconsistent with the shape of the room.
8. Clear clutter. A cluttered office is a cluttered mind. Organise and arrange your space so that everything has a place to go and is easily accessible. Place objects, artwork and imagery around you that lifts your energy and aligns with the vision you have for your business and your greater life goals. Create a space that is clear from stagnation, mess and disorder so that is clear to accept the energy of new and exciting developments.
9. Ventilation: Make sure the room is well ventilated so that chemicals from printers, fax machines, etc can be absorbed or released. Make sure the office has access to fresh air and consider placing a few plants in your office to absorb any nasties.
10. Electromagnetic radiation: take care with placement of electrical equipment around your desk. Try to store the hard drive to your computer as far away from your seat as practical. Ensure the computer screen is as a safe distance and avoid placing major equipment like printers, faxes, etc close to where you are seated. Ensure that the electrical meter for your building is not located on the other side of the wall to where you are sitting as this can be very harmful to your health. (For more information on ventilation and electromagnetic radiation, consult a Building Biologist or visit
Source: Rachel Ross of Fifth Element Feng Shui
Rachel Ross of Fifth Element Feng Shui has kindly put together a list of things to be aware of in your office environment to create a harmonious workspace. The list is a guide only because each individual space should be checked by a trained Feng Shui consultant to find the exact best results. Thanks Rachel and if you would like to check out her website - just click on this link
Ten tips to maximising the Feng Shui of your office.
1. Unseen Prosperity Energy: It is always preferable to have your office in a room or area of your building that has prosperous energy. Any one building can have up to two areas that are prosperous and contrary to popular belief, they are often located in different areas for each building. Prosperous energy zones can be located using Flying Star Feng Shui (the most powerful form of Feng Shui) and require a qualified consultant to accurately determine where these areas are. Placement of energy or ‘unseen’ influences in a building always carry the most weight and are individual for each building, so should be taken into account first for best results.
2. Furniture Arrangement: Simple furniture arrangement principles can be very useful as they help the life force energy flow better in a space. A rule of thumb is to make sure that your desk is positioned so there is a solid wall behind you when you are sitting at your desk. I see so many offices positioned facing walls. Whilst this may be a good use of space, it’s not a very supportive or inspiring arrangement. In Feng Shui, your backing or the ‘mountain’ behind you is most important as it relates to stability, harmony and support in your environment and your life. It also reflects the same arrangement principles that the Chinese consider extremely auspicious in the natural landscape. In short, a strong backing places you in a position of power.
3. See with Clarity: Ideally, the desk should be placed so that you can see the door from where you are sitting. Symbolically this can relate to openly accepting opportunities into your life and business as well as seeing things with greater with clarity. Avoid positioning the desk directly opposite the entrance. Energy can be too strong in this position and consequently it is not considered a productive of comfortable arrangement.
4. Area of accumulated energy: If your room allows, try placing your desk in the corner diagonally opposite the entrance to your office. When energy enters a room, life force energy will automatically travel and accumulate in the corner located at the furtherest point. If there is also a solid wall in this position, the energy will settle and strengthen in this location. Without backing or if the area has windows, this site will be weaker. Also, take note of how the door to your office is hinged. Does energy enter freely and easily into the space, or is the door hinged so that the first thing you see is a wall?
5. Favourable Directions: If possible, take advantage of your favourable directions. Derived from your year of birth, each individual will have a ‘Kua’ or ‘Ming Gua’ number. This number then correlates to 4 directions that can be favourable for an individual. Ideally, your favourable direction should be placed behind you when you are sitting at your desk. You can find out your favourable directions by visiting
7. Symmetry. Energy will flow evenly if your office is arranged in a way that is symmetrical. Symmetry encourages order in an environment, so make sure object placement is even and balanced in a room, that pictures and wall hangings line up and that chairs and your desk are aligned in an orderly manner. It is always better Feng Shui if your environment has symmetry so avoid placing the desk according to your favourable direction if it means furniture placement is angular and inconsistent with the shape of the room.
8. Clear clutter. A cluttered office is a cluttered mind. Organise and arrange your space so that everything has a place to go and is easily accessible. Place objects, artwork and imagery around you that lifts your energy and aligns with the vision you have for your business and your greater life goals. Create a space that is clear from stagnation, mess and disorder so that is clear to accept the energy of new and exciting developments.
9. Ventilation: Make sure the room is well ventilated so that chemicals from printers, fax machines, etc can be absorbed or released. Make sure the office has access to fresh air and consider placing a few plants in your office to absorb any nasties.
10. Electromagnetic radiation: take care with placement of electrical equipment around your desk. Try to store the hard drive to your computer as far away from your seat as practical. Ensure the computer screen is as a safe distance and avoid placing major equipment like printers, faxes, etc close to where you are seated. Ensure that the electrical meter for your building is not located on the other side of the wall to where you are sitting as this can be very harmful to your health. (For more information on ventilation and electromagnetic radiation, consult a Building Biologist or visit
Source: Rachel Ross of Fifth Element Feng Shui
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