Monday, 26 May 2008

Health and Wellness — A Smart Investment

I was interested to read an article on the Ladies Who Launch blog recently that stated people in the USA are sometimes investing as much as $100,000 (yes that’s right ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars) on their health and wellbeing over time.

At first I was a bit “whoa, that’s a lot” but then as the writer Beth Tansey Peller, a health writer and wellness coach rightly states, these people may be taking a “pay now or pay later” approach.

What can you do as therapists to promote this “pay now or pay later” concept in your marketing. I always hear how hard it is out there to get people coming regularly for natural therapy treatments. Why not introduce a conversation about how much NOT coming is going to cost in the long run.

A colleague I worked with in my corporate days once shared that she had conservatively calculated the cost of her breast cancer recovery at $13,000 ON TOP of the hospital bills & treatments her health fund paid. When you look at these types of numbers, it makes a lot of sense to take the action up front because the emotional cost of being “unwell” adds an even greater cost.

Click here to read the full article

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