Podcast of my October 08 Newsletter Feature Article

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Its all in the stars and ITS TIME
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Doom, gloom, darkness and dreary forecasts grab the headlines and shout out from news stands all over the world. There is no doubt that the financial markets are taking a pounding at present and all the structures around the world are falling. The media are having a field day.
BUT for natural therapists, healers and emerging heart leaders we have something very big to celebrate and NOW IS THE TIME to get our fingers out of our butts and go to work!
Currently we are watching history in the making and are very honoured to be seeing the spiritual prophecies come true. (Please note when I say spiritual I do not mean religious).
For years now many of the spiritual and indigenous teachings have said there will be big shift in Dec 2012. That is four years away, no co-incidence we are starting to get some reaction on the planet now in the areas that the shift is predicted to impact.
The prophecies I’m talking about are not “end of the world” predictions but precise astrology measured by wise ancient civilisations.
For those of you who aren’t up with what is happening – I’m about to give you the Mz Margz in a nutshell description. If you would like to research more, please visit Simone Matthews’s site – she will give a much more detailed and accurate version. What is important for you to remember is that there is a LOT OF GOOD NEWS in this for natural therapists.
Here is the Mz Margz in a nutshell description
Planet Earth circles the Sun but our solar system doesn’t stop there. Our Sun is also part of a larger circular path. So as we turn within a system so does our system turn within a bigger system. Earth takes 365 days to circle our Sun and complete a Zodiac cycle. It takes 26,000 years for our Sun to complete one cycle of its Zodiac. The Sun spends a little over two thousand years in each house of its Zodiac.
What happens in December 2012
In December 2012 we will move into the sign of Aquarius. Remember the song from the 60’s – yep this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius and the 60’s were a very good example of Aquarian energy, creative and revolutionary. Lets hope we don’t have to do the clothes again!
On the Summer Solstice in December 2012 we fully align with the new energy and it will start to build strength from that point on. But we also get a double whammy with a planetary line up that hasn’t happened for 225 million years. Our solar system, the Milky Way and Alceyone (the sun located in the Pleiades constellation that our Sun circles) all line up in the skies. It will come and go like any other planetary alignment and there have been several in the past few years but it will herald a new energy and a new way we can choose to live. Choose is the operative word in all this. If we choose to move into this energy freely, it will be easy. If we choose to fight it, then it could cause some discomfort. It’s our choice how we react, but it’s coming ready or not!
Where are we going?
Aquarian energy is very much focused on humanitarianism; it is visionary, highly geared toward technology, the future, unity, community, social justice and freedom and anything unconventional like natural therapies. Its ruling planet is Uranus which demands freedom, equality and social change. In the tarot deck, Aquarius is ruled by The Star and its sign is a Water Carrier, all very positive but there is also a negative side in that Aquarian energy can be eccentric, fanatical and rebellious.
What is happening right now?
Because we are moving into Aquarian energy the planet is simply getting rid of the things that won’t work in the new energy. In layman’s terms the planet is having a “de-clutter”. The corporate world is crumbling because the Aquarian energy won’t need the big earthly structures the corporate world are so prone to live in, hence why they are failing right now – significant past examples have been the fall of the Berlin Wall and more recently 9/11 when the twin towers fell.
People who have not being playing fair, have been dealing in corrupt, unfair behaviour and most certainly have not been living in integrity and truth are now paying the price.
The biggest thing to remember is that the markets always go up and down. I worked as a financial controller when the stock market fell back in the 90’s. It was an ugly time fuelled by property developers spending money they didn’t have. This crash is being fuelled by people doing deals with money they didn’t have and its extra scary that it is hitting banks that have been established for hundreds of years. But what you need to know is that the market always self corrects. In every other recession it corrected itself and it will correct itself again – it always does. So why all the fear? Quite simply because it sells media.
What does this mean for the Natural Therapy Industry?
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."
Proverbs 23:7
There will be a lot of fear in the next few years. By holding the love and standing firm in our own power and being there to administer the new (for most) therapies which encourage people to take control of their own life and be free from disease and physical, mental, spiritual and emotional discomfort will see most of you smack bang in the middle of your purpose for being here on the planet at this time.
What should we do?
It is VERY IMPORTANT that we don’t go into fear at this time and think our practices will fall apart. In fact we are safer at this time than the many thousands of people in “real jobs” who are currently being retrenched from failing banks and corporations. Back in the 90’s I was retrenched three times but eventually managed to find work each time but swore I would take control of my own destiny as soon as I could. Being in our own businesses we get to make our own decisions and take our own actions. People employed by the machine are at the whim of the management whose previous incompetence got them in this situation in the first place. Even on our worst days we couldn’t create the same level of devastation that is occurring in the financial markets right now."Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead
Now more than ever it is important to stay in the light and work in the light. Here are ten things you can do right now to ensure the least amount of discomfort as we move into a new and exciting time.
1. Stay away from the media
2. Stay away from people who are negative
3. Stay on track with your practice
4. Spend more time and effort in marketing
5. Commit fully to your practice and to seeing a lot of people
6. Be a positive role model for people around you
7. Energy flows where focus goes – be sure to focus positive thoughts on the current situation and don’t further fuel it with your negative thoughts
8. Get professional advice if your financial situation isn’t the best, create a plan to get out of it and do one thing every day to ensure a positive future (do more if you can!)
9. Understand that all this is a “normal” adjustment in the market and it will come right.
10. Continue to be the change you want to see in the world (thanks Gandhi)
1 comment:
Is there a body to this message?
I might just search the Stars.
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