Sunday, 27 July 2008

Make Sure You Are Spam Compliant

Spam is a major issue these days.

Spam are those pesky emails, texts and communications you didn't ask to get and provide you with information you don't want and despite your best efforts you can't seem to stop them flooding your inbox.

Parliaments all over the world have recognised the problem and have bought in legislation to ensure the control of spam. The laws are very hard to enforce but just because there is a low likelihood of you getting caught doesn't mean you don't need to understand these laws and ensure you are compliant if you are marketing online or sending out bulk emails or newsletters or ezines.

This is a very valuable two page document from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) giving you a basic overview of consent - click here to view

Following are a few of the different countries that have introduced spam laws.

Australia - view the actual Spam Act Here

New Zealand

United States




Click here for a site that has excellent information on many other countries Spam Laws.

This is a great publication on how to protect YOUR business from spam here

If you hate spam remember the old adage - "do undo others as you would have them do unto you" - get clear what spam is and ensure you aren't unintentionally spamming your customers.

All information is given is current at the time of writing and is given as a guide only, you are best advised to consult someone who specialises in Anti Spam Legislation to determine your exact policy.

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