Have you ever been in the situation where you set up a course or did a mail out but didn’t get the response you desired because you didn’t follow-up?
If you aren’t going to do the follow up from a mail shot or networking event you might as well have been at the beach instead of doing the mail out or networking event. The net effect from not following up or being at the beach will be the same – no clients. There is no point slaving over these things if you aren’t going to follow up and convert at least some of the leads you get to clients.
Unsure about whether to call or email?
Wondering how to be diligent and professional with your follow-up without seeming needy or pushy?
I recommend the Call/Email/Call approach.
STEP 1: Make a follow-up phone call
Begin with a follow-up phone call. Calling is a great place to start because if you reach the person you have an immediate opportunity to reconnect. If you get their voicemail, leave a message.
Here is a sample voicemail message script:
“Hi Sue, this is Sally Jones, the Kinesiologist. We met at the Business Women’s meeting last night. You mentioned you would be interested in having a treatment with me to help you move forward with that health challenge you have been experiencing.
I’d love to schedule a consultation with you to discuss if my treatments could help you. My phone number is xx-xxxx-xxxx and the best time to reach me is xxx. I’ll also send you an email in case that is a better way for us to connect.
Sue, I really enjoyed meeting you and I look forward to speaking with you soon.”
STEP 2: Send a Follow-Up Email
Your follow-up email should communicate the same basic information as your voice mail. In addition, offer a way that he/she can stay in touch in case the person is not currently ready to schedule a session.
STEP 3: Make one more follow-up phone call
If you have not heard back from the person after one week, make one more follow-up phone call. The key points for this call are to briefly reiterate your offer and remind them why they would want to speak to you while still leaving the decision totally up to them.
For example,
“Hi Sue, this is Sally Jones. I’m calling to see if you received my voice and email messages last week. Based on our conversation at the Women’s Business meeting, I’m guessing you’ve been busy and might be hesitant to add anything else to your ‘To Do’ list.
My offer of a two for one session still stands. If you decide to schedule it, my goal would be to give you some real value so you can experience for yourself how working with a Kinesiologist can really help you find a healthy balance in your body.
Of course it is totally your decision, so if you would like to set something up please call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx or email me at xxx@xxx.com.
I hope to hear from you!"
STEP 4: Let go!
Don’t be like the fisherman who keeps thinking about the “one that got away.” If the person doesn’t respond, simply let go. Feel good about your professionalism, the actions you have taken and the value you have provided. You have planted a seed and that is never a bad thing. Keep looking forward and taking inspired action in your business. Some of the seeds you sow WILL grow in the future, you just don’t know which ones!
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