But let’s hope the aliens beam me up after I get to Noosa because it’s grey and pouring with rain here and we welcome the rain but I’d really like to see some blue skies. A few hours by the pool at Australis after the Utopia International Retreat has finished will be welcome respite from the grey.

This lead up is really making me look back and understand how far I’ve come in this crazy journey I’ve been on for the past 10 years. A keynote really helps you reflect on the things that have become important to your message.
Speaking is one of the scariest and most irrational things you can do as a human because it takes you away from the tribe. Anytime we disconnect from the tribe or our community or the group of people that happens to be in front of us, we go into discomfort.
Discomfort is our greatest friend. As humans we rarely make a bold move if everything around us is fine, its just human nature to want to keep the status quo balanced. But speaking is one of the few things you do that tip that status quo on a voluntary basis. Speakers, musicians, workshops leaders, rally leaders, we all actually put our hands up to place ourselves outside the normal comfort zone. Most would rather die than speak in public so it’s why people are so inspired when you do and speaking is a totally learnable skill for most people.
I’m SO glad I learnt how BUT in the lead up to this un-natural way of being …….. of course I am forced to ask myself constantly throughout he day WHAT WAS I THINKING!
Now where are those aliens?
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