There are many times when action is the answer, but there is also a place for doing nothing or saying nothing.
Silence can be our friend in many ways.
As a speaker sometimes the most powerful moments are created in the space without words where you give the audience time and space to digest what you've just said.
In the movies sometimes the scariest moments or most poignant moments are when absolutely nothing is happening on screen.
The silence we create in meditative moments often gives us the clarity to take ourselves to the next level.
We rarely meditate on our business though and it can be a powerful tool when solving business problems.
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My Back Deck Office |
Silence can be our friend in many situations.
A speaker uses silence to bring their thoughts together while the audience "simmer" in the soup of what has just been delivered.
My old boss when confronted with something he didn't necessarily have an answer for or an immediate solution to the problem or it was just too hard - did nothing in the hope the problem went away. Most times it did!
Our busy, overwhelmed techno world bombards us with constant information. We take in so much all the time and rarely get the chance to simmer on anything.
But doing nothing all the time is not the solution.
I know from my forensic days back in corporate that doing nothing can cause the worst nightmares, so it is important to not relegate everything to the "do nothing" pile. But even in those nasty corporate situations I often found the answer to problems no one else had been able to fix, simply because I was only focused on one thing. I was frequently relegated to the darkest corner in the office, often working solo. It meant I was surrounded in silence and could get perspective on the problem and had time to look at all the puzzle pieces. I find if have all the required information and you focus on something long enough, the answer comes clear.
So in the action vs silence conundrum it's about finding the balance.
That balance is frequently achieved when we go to silence first, gather our thoughts - then take the correct action.
Getting things right the first time is certainly a gift and going to silence and really thinking and planning out the next step means you often short circuit the problem you are about to create by going out with a firm path in mind.
Silence helps find that path.
Silence also helps if you have a problem. Going within, listening to your heart, gathering ALL the puzzle pieces (not just the ones you want to look at) and allowing the magic within the void that silences creates to do your talking, will frequently bring a solution.
Silence allows us space to gather our thoughts, gain clarity and calm our senses.
What problem do you currently have that could benefit from some silence?
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