I heard Mary Faeth do a full talk on this subject and I was moved by the way people were making such a difference on the planet by being of service. It highlighted to me how each one of us can make a difference at a high level when we open our hearts, allow the love to flow AND take action!
Please listen and enjoy hearing the awesome and inspiring work of this wonderful organisation. Please listen to the audio with my compliments by clicking on the little heart:
MP3 File

Ven. Kang Soeun(above)

Cambodian nun, Swiss delegate, Ven. Dhammananda (right)

Muslim & Buddhist women, Taiwan (left)

Meditating at Compassion Retreat, Taiwan (right)

Buddhist nun from Cambodia Cambodia with Swiss translator (left)
You can find out more about The Global Peace Initiative of Women (GPIW) here http://www.gpiw.org/
If you have questions for Mary Faeth or you would like to find out how you can be part of the next conference please leave a comment below and I will ensure she gets it.
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