I had the great honour this week to be invited by Gihan Perera of First Step Communications Pty Ltd to share my expertise and be part of a panel discussion on how small business is coping in this turbulent economy.
It was really interesting for me to hear how "big" small businesses are having similar issues as the "micro" small businesses I work with and more importantly that we all need to use similar tools to not just survive but also thrive in a recession. In fact I believe micro businesses have the best chance of lasting out the storm because they are so readily able to change to meet market demand.
I came away from the call reminded how everyone really just wants to have a successful business and still have time for family, friends and most importantly a happy and stress free life.
Therapists more than ever are required to help people manage stress and achieve a healthy balance and harmony in these far from stress free times.
Panel Discussion with Gihan Perera
MP3 File
Click here to find out more about Gihan Perera
Click here to find out more about John Highman
Click here to find out more about Domonique Bertolucci
Remarkable Business Results in your natural therapy practice.
Questions and answers to real problems encountered by real people.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
How to Avoid Ending Up Burnt Out & Broke When Organising Your Event
Events are a wonderful way to get your message out to a larger audience and also to start positioning yourself as an expert in your chosen field.
What I have worked out is that events are risky at best and you MUST know what you are doing or you will lose your blouse on an event and end up with tears before bedtime!
Many find the thought too daunting and never have a go because there is so much to learn and do and......well......it does involve the one thing most would rather die than do, which is public speaking. We are not saying there isn’t a lot to learn and do but if you are prepared to follow a process and do some early leg work, then the rewards on every level can be huge.
Like everything the answer is to start early and to start small and take on the challenges in bite sized chunks.
Samantha Richardson and my good self ran a teleclass last night that gave some quick and dirty tips and strategies to help you gain the confidence to get your own events started.
When I first started out in my small business I knew I had to network but I was totally useless at it. As it turns out this became a wonderful strength because it made me realise that at a networking event you are very lucky to get ten people knowing what you do but everyone goes home knowing who the speaker is. That realisation changed my life and still today I rarely go to networking events in any other capacity than the speaker (yes, I’m still a rubbish networker!),
I went from someone who was petrified of speaking to someone who loves to speak in front of an audience.
The biggest thing I learnt was the importance of clarity. We discuss this on the audio below.
The audio will also give you the following three marketing tips you can use to start to put bums on seats at events
1. The importance of building a strong databaseBut please burn Sam's wise words into your brain because these tips are only meant to be a taster - there is a whole lot more you need to know.
2. What are affiliates and how can they help get people to your events
3. How to leverage other people’s events to get exposure for your event and still have the event organiser love you
“There is no one way to get lots of people to an event
but there are lots of ways to get one person to an event”
Samantha Richardson, Evolution Events
but there are lots of ways to get one person to an event”
Samantha Richardson, Evolution Events
You can listen to the audio here:
MP3 File
If you feel you are ready to take the next big step you will love our live event YOUR NEXT BIG LEAP which is running in Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane – you can find out more here. http://yournextbigleap.eventbrite.com/

If you live in Adelaide don't forget we are speaking at two networking events at the end of May 09 more details here
Oh and BTW - little Harry was just fine, although he did spend the next few days looking like an extra from a Rocky movie - he has hopefully learnt about playing in games with your big brother - the injury factor grows! You will understand when you listen to the audio.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Serious About Success Makes Its Debut in the Northern Hemisphere
Have you ever had a secret dream of world domination (in the nicest possible way of course!).
Well I have had that dream ever since I learnt that you could have an international business that consisted of a phone, a laptop and an internet connection.

One day I will get used to the fact that it is first thing in the morning there and I need to stop saying its the evening (just because it is for me!)
Listen here
MP3 File
You can find out more about the Serious About Success Program here: http://www.abundantprivatepractices.com/success.html
We have Serious About Success programs starting downunder and upover so we will have a place for you now no matter where you live in the world!
It is amazing when your dreams start coming true. If I have been able to do it - anyone can because my learning curve has been massive.
To make the dream happen you just need to get the right knowledge and support and put the learning into action and be prepared to stay in the game and not whimp out and one day you wake up like I did today and realise one aspect of the dream is happening - GO THE DREAM!!
Monday, 11 May 2009
Adelaide Promotional Events
I am co-presenting an event called YOUR NEXT BIG LEAP with Samantha Richardon of Evolution Events which is in June. We are going be doing two lead up teleclasses and two live presentations which you are all invited to attend so you can get to know us up close and personal. Details below:
Live Event #1
Enterprising Woman's Meeting
Samantha Richardson and Margaret Gill present
Live Event #1
Enterprising Woman's Meeting
Samantha Richardson and Margaret Gill present
"How to Earn More, Work Less & Not Lose Your Blouse in the Process"
Date : Friday 29th May 2009
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Cleggett Wines Lang¬horne Creek, SA 5255
Booking Cost: $20.00 to cover wine & nibbles.
Hosted by Anne McLennan of Cleggett Wines and Sharon Bremner of Bodysense by Shaz
Bookings Essential: (08) 8536-8366
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Cleggett Wines Lang¬horne Creek, SA 5255
Booking Cost: $20.00 to cover wine & nibbles.
Hosted by Anne McLennan of Cleggett Wines and Sharon Bremner of Bodysense by Shaz
Bookings Essential: (08) 8536-8366
Samantha Richardson and Margaret Gill present
"How to Make More Money & Get Authentic Heart Based Messages to a Larger Audience"
Date: Saturday 30th May 2009
Time: 3.00pm to 5.00pm
Venue: Quality Hotel Old Adelaide Inn
160 O’Connell St. North Adelaide
Booking Cost: $28
Sorry guys this one is ladies only
Time: 3.00pm to 5.00pm
Venue: Quality Hotel Old Adelaide Inn
160 O’Connell St. North Adelaide
Booking Cost: $28
Sorry guys this one is ladies only
Hosted by Sue Gibbs of Financial Choice for Women
Bookings Essential: 1300 876 494
Map to get to the Venue
View Larger Map
Friends & colleagues welcome at both events
2 x Free Teleclasses
How to Avoid Ending Up Burnt Out & Broke When Organising Your Event
DATE & TIME: Tuesday, May 12th at 8.00pm Melbourne Time
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)
The phone numbers to dial are at this link
Bookings Essential: 1300 876 494
Map to get to the Venue
View Larger Map
Friends & colleagues welcome at both events
2 x Free Teleclasses
How to Avoid Ending Up Burnt Out & Broke When Organising Your Event
DATE & TIME: Tuesday, May 12th at 8.00pm Melbourne Time
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)
The phone numbers to dial are at this link
How to Earn More, Work Less and Not Lose Your Blouse in the Process
DATE & TIME: Tuesday, June 2nd at 8:00pm Melbourne Time
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)
The phone numbers to dial are at this link
Friday, 1 May 2009
The Global Peace Initiative of Women (GPIW)

I heard Mary Faeth do a full talk on this subject and I was moved by the way people were making such a difference on the planet by being of service. It highlighted to me how each one of us can make a difference at a high level when we open our hearts, allow the love to flow AND take action!
Please listen and enjoy hearing the awesome and inspiring work of this wonderful organisation. Please listen to the audio with my compliments by clicking on the little heart:
MP3 File

Ven. Kang Soeun(above)

Cambodian nun, Swiss delegate, Ven. Dhammananda (right)

Muslim & Buddhist women, Taiwan (left)

Meditating at Compassion Retreat, Taiwan (right)

Buddhist nun from Cambodia Cambodia with Swiss translator (left)
You can find out more about The Global Peace Initiative of Women (GPIW) here http://www.gpiw.org/
If you have questions for Mary Faeth or you would like to find out how you can be part of the next conference please leave a comment below and I will ensure she gets it.
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