Membership sites and forums such as Weekend Workshops and my own free membership site The Health and Wellbeing Practitioners Network are fabulous ways to build your profile out in cyberspace, connect with people you couldn’t normally get to and to help you to get known.
We had a wonderful time with John when he was my MOSH Pit Guest GURU for September 08. John shared a lot of technical knowledge on the call, so please take a listen as he was very generous in his sharing.
Click the slider below to hear John Hardgrave of Weekend Workshops speaking about the value of Membership Forums and all the things we need to know to get the most from our participation in sites like Weekend Workshops.
MP3 File
When you have a small business it is important to join these sites and let people see your expertise. Membership sites are no different to going to a networking event. You need to make an impact quickly.
The things I see as important to remember when joining a membership site
1. Don’t hide – add your full name and a photo – make yourself memorable. Would you just put your first name on your business card (I hope not!) – these membership sites are like virtual business cards – except you can now add so much more information to help people know why they would want to work with you.
2. Be of service – give helpful advise to people when they have questions, make your comments memorable for people.
3. Communicate clearly – tell people your WHO and WHAT very clearly – WHO you work with and WHAT problems you solve for them – it makes it easy then for people to want to work with you.
4. Go deep not shallow – make meaningful connection with people, don’t just click on every single member and ask them to become “your friend”. Site owners also hate this behavior as it makes us uncomfortable due to security reasons and lets us know you are “shallow” – same of the person who runs around a room handing business cards out willy nilly without even stopping to find out who they are giving them to.
5. Join a special interest group – if there isn’t one on your special interest, create one and drive it – you will gain BIG brownie points with the site owner if you do this by adding value for their people.
6. Give value – perhaps load an audio others can benefit from, make a short informational video you can load via YouTube, write an article, post a blog.
7. No one likes a smart arse! Be genuinely interested in helping people not putting them down or making yourself out to be smarter than them. If you know more, simply give that information generously and with love – you will be loved for it!
8. Share a deal. - if you have been offered something on special or have something you can’t use – then offer it to others on the membership site.
9. Share a bit about yourself – load photos of you doing interesting things (we don’t want to see ALL your holiday pics) but if it would be of interest – load it on up.
You can join my The Health and Wellbeing Practitioners Network - click here