Friday, 18 July 2008

Could Dreambank Fund Your Training?

Dreambank is a really cool tool created to help people substitute gift giving for experiences. Think how many "things" you have been given in the past that haven't been you or you simply didn't like or you just looked at and thought hmmm, "maybe when the trims on?"

I've been taught to just move those things on with love and gratitude but what if you could replace the unwanted item with something you truly desired.

Dreambank have set up a system where you can post your dreams and instead of your friends and family buying you gifts you don't want, they simply add cash to your dream account.

One of it's greatest assets is that it is a highly eco friendly concept. It is an online transaction so no visit to the mall necessary, it doesn't create a lot of junk that needs to be cleared out eventually. It reduces your clutter making way for the things you really want and it takes the agony out of gift buying because people are giving you something you really want. Perhaps your rellies could even include the savings they made on petrol by not having to drive to the shops.

Financial partners working behind the scenes are PayPal and HSBC, so it has some serious metal behind the idea.

You can read more about the concept here at Springwise

I wondered if people could start posting their learning dreams up to Dreambank which would help cover the cost of getting qualifications in the natural therapy industry, and we all know that doesn't come cheap and every little bit would help get your dreams of having a successful natural therapy practice one step closer.

What else could you use it for?


Anonymous said...

My dream course- Mastery Retreat with Sylvia Marina. I will get there one day, but people helping me get there would be great!

Margaret GIll said...

Mine would be the Gregg Braden Tour through Tibet and Nepal (sigh!)

Anonymous said...

very nice.....
a friend of mine went to Tibet last yer- great photos and stories.

Ros Betts said...

My dream course at the moment would be attending an Innermost Sound Workshop by Chris James. Or a sound workshop by Jonothan Goldman..... now that would be an experience.
Really, there are so many to choose from all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Just stumbled upon this, and wanted to thank you for writing about us! I hope you've posted a Dream Gift on DreamBank and are well on your way!

(Marketing/PR Coordinator, and Online Community Manager)