For some time now I’ve been banging on to therapists about how natural therapies are going to become more and more mainstream as time goes on.
Once upon a time natural therapies were for hippies in white flowing dresses or wildly esoteric people who “grew their own” and were considered quite mad by the mainstream.
Now the mainstream are beginning to understand that natural therapies can not only “fix” whatever is wrong with them, natural therapies can in fact stop them getting sick in the first place if they eat well and have treatments that reduce stress and promote wellness. Gosh – we’ve known this for such a long time. We are early adopters but the mainstream is slow to catch on. Look at how long it took for the mainstream to believe the world wasn’t flat when Christopher Columbus first started touting his “weird” theories.
I read an article today about one-stop shopping for wellness in South Africa. They have set up a wonderful environment where you can buy your groceries, visit the natural medicine dispensary and pharmacy; and have a spa treatment & purchase eco friendly health and fitness products all in the same warehouse type structure. There is already a shop in Richmond Melbourne that has a few of these aspects all under one roof but on a smaller scale.
If natural therapists don’t start embracing these big money themes we will end up with the same fate as the local corner store with big one stop shops knocking out the little guy.
Now it is time for natural therapists to stop thinking like “flat earthers” and stop marketing their businesses like they have done in the past. The hippies loved all the angels, butterflies and stars we so love to put on our marketing but these images & mindsets will alienate the mainstream because they are used to being influenced by more contemporary marketing.
Now is the time to start thinking how you can best market your business to the mainstream.
You can read the article here
I went to this wellness store when I was visiting Cape Town earlier this year. It is just amazing! I had such a field day in there!
I think it is the sort of place you visit and leave your credit card at home! Mz M xx
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