Friday, 16 May 2008



I did my very first public speaking gig last night- and they loved me and I loved doing it too! It’s kinda cool to be paid to talk isn’t it? I handed around feedback forms at the end which they all filled in positively and at the bottom I had a ‘please write your contact details if you would like more information or a private consultation’ section – and they all filled in their names and numbers.

My question is – what time interval is appropriate to ring them – within the next week or two? Sooner? Later?


This is a great question and the short answer is FOLLOW UP UNTIL THEY BUY OR DIE!!!

Leads get cold very quickly and the longer you leave them the less chance you have of getting these people as a client. We like to think our messages are memorable and people will remember us forever but in most cases we are gone from their memory banks within a few days. This is why newsletters, follow up activities and making the phone your friend are so important. If you don’t keep yourself in front of your prospects someone else will swoop in and pinch them from you.

So in an instance such as above – the answer is to ideally follow up the next day with a phone call. If you can’t do the phone call immediately you need to at least make email contact within two days and then a phone call a couple of days later.

In future, whenever you speak, as soon as you get the booking, schedule time in your diary for the very next day so you can do your follow up immediately.

Well done on getting out there and doing speaking engagements. This is one of the best and most powerful ways to get known and grow your business.

If you would like to know more about follow up please visit my website and read the follow up article that appeared on the Empowering Women website.


Anonymous said...

I did just that - 2 people phoned for appts even begore I got to them ,so that was great, BUT even better was the one audience member I did get to speak to had put what I had taught them into practice in her home and has already seen benefits!! She loves me and what I do, her hubby is happy, kids love it too. She really made my day. She tells me that my card is up on her fridge and when the need arises, she will be coming to see me to experince Kinesiology further!! Wow- follow-up is definatley worth the effort. Thanks Ms Margz for putting me out of my comfort zone and making the phone my frined.

Margaret GIll said...

We love these types of resutls - well done you for getting your message out to the world in such a wonderful way! Mz M xx