Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Getting Good Habits Right From The Start - Further Thought on Discounting

I'd recommend you don't discount to people who you have already "trained" to pay your normal fees.

Its going backwards when you do that - however I would encourage discounting to get people through the door to experience you.

Getting more clients is easy if you are meeting and introducing people to your practice in a meaningful way.

Each time people have the opportunity to meet and relate with you - the more chance you have of them becoming a client.

Its why in the early days my system recommends 2-4-1 sessions.  For a new therapist (and sometimes the not so new therapist) it is pretty scared to ask for business in the early days so offering 2-4-1 sessions gets you in the habit of re-booking a client.

How You See Yourself Is How The World Sees You

If you think cheap - the rest of your world will think cheap too.

What goes on in your head is the biggest key to your success.  If you get your thoughts right at a very early stage of your business growth, that is what will manifest for you in the future. 

Offering 2-4-1 sessions sets in your mind that people are going to come back to see you.  This may sound too simplistic but I have found, if you set good habits into the complex pathways of your brain in the early stages of anything - you create a good habit that never needs to be adjusted.

If you don't get in the habit of having people return to your practice time and time again - you are going to have an uphill battle filling that practice.

If you start constantly discounting in the early days you set the thought in your head that people will only come if the price is cheap enough. 

In fact, price has very little to do with why people will book a treatment - but if YOU think that's the reason why they come .... of course that WILL be the reason whey they come.

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