Leonie Marks, Holistic Coach, Mentor and Intuitive Astrologer will be the master of ceremonies at the Luxury Business Bootcamp myself and Samantha Richardson of Evolution Events will be holding on the Gold Coast later this month.
Leonie wrote a wonderful article for her people this month and I thought I would share it with you,
Firstly because she has done a great job of telling her own story of getting up on stage and speaking
Secondly because she gives some great tips on how to stop the sabbotage and get on with being fabulous!
Thirdly becuase you are probably sick of Sam and I banging on about the topic. It will be a nice change to hear a new perspective = ENJOY!

. . . and more than ever before you'll be aware of any struggle that brings up - along with those old feelings of being held back or blocked . . .
Whatever you label that “obstacle” – the truth is, its your own self-sabotage reaction trying to keep you safe, secure and firmly stuck - right where you are now.
The good news is
. . . those undesirable feelings of frustration, stuckness and even
fear – are a huge sign that you’re ready to go to the next level! The biggest decision is to take the first step, then it gets easier, you just keeping taking one step and before you know it, you’ve travelled a huge distance and achieved things you never thought possible!
Since I've come to recognise the feeling of being stuck as a big fat signpost in my life – its completely changed how I respond to life and what I attract as a result.
Here’s how I put that into practice last year:
I had this enormous urge to get my message out there and help a lot more people to step up in their lives – the urge set off the old feelings of frustration at not knowing how. On good advice from my business coach I accepted the challenge of increasing my speaking engagements. Of course that meant I had to really face up to the fear of "revealing" myself in public.
Now, those who know me well, know that I can talk underwater!
So what’s the big deal?
Well, I didn’t want to just talk at people, I wanted to share my message with clarity and confidence in a way that would inspire, inform and give value to my audience. All being well, when they needed services such as mine the added bonus would be - they’d remember me Sounds great doesn’t it?
"Getting Naked"
But I still had to get naked in public! Yikes, it was feeling like those dreams we’ve all had, there you are up on stage or out in the streets in your birthday suit, amongst the wide-eyed fully clad public, all gawking right at you! Did I really need to put myself through that?
Get Help
To get things moving more quickly in the direction I wanted to go, it had to be done. So, Yes I needed to do it. There was no way I was getting through it alone, so with a good coach and a public speaking mentor to help me shape up, front up and speak up, I put myself out there.
The first few big audiences had me sweating and fretting - but talk by talk I've grown into a place of confidence and joy in my public speaking and now I’m calling back to the universe - "bring it on" - I love connecting to each new group and sharing my life and business with a wider circle.
Get a Winning Attitude
The "can do" attitude keeps inspiring self-confidence and more can-do attitude – which is very useful! And it brings exciting rewards.
I want to share one of mine with you, because it could be benefit you directly.
I've been invited to be MC at The Tough Love Luxury Business Boot Camp
on the Gold Coast in March, which is an exciting opportunity.
The boot camp is for anyone who wants to create successful events, seminars and workshops; and use speaking to enhance their career/business.
These 2 skills are a must in almost all career choices – to check out the great package Margaret Gill and Samantha Richardson have put together click here to download brochure
So, to summarise how we can make the most of our opportunities in 2009 here are the
6 Keys to Stepping Up and Moving Forward:
• Recognise the Signs
As in "Good News" above, those unwanted feelings of frustration, irritability, fear and stuckness - are always a sign that its time to let go, move on, step up - so don't deny them or run from them, turn around and step through them!
• Get Naked
Let’s not hide anymore - being open with self and others is the most amazing way to grow and really experience what you want in life.
Practice openness with self and others
• Stop the Struggle
Don't struggle alone - get help from someone who’s been there!
Battling along on your own is futile. Whether you know what you want and can't get there on your own; or you can't decide what you want and need
• Clarity and Direction
Get help - coaching, counselling, mentoring,
there is always someone out there who has the experience and knowledge you need – and is just dying to share it with you. Not getting help = self-sabotage!
• Winning Attitude
No need to play small. Stand up loud and proud, be who you are, go after what you want. We're here to grow and shine. As we do that we naturally attract what we really want to give and receive in life.
• Celebrate every step!
As above - I'm well over the old tall poppy syndrome! How about you? Our growth and achievements, no matter what they are, benefit us and everyone around us. The ripple effect reaches farther than we can imagine.
We deserve to celebrate and honor ourselves and each other every step of the way!
Its all in our awareness, attitude and action.
Introducing Leonie Marks

“I’ve always known my purpose was to help others to achieve their dreams. My journey began with years of intense study and training in Nursing, Psychology, Counseling and Natural Therapies. However, the real power of my work comes from having “been there and done that” in my own life. Having achieved my way into a complete burn out 10 years ago - I’ve had to dig deep for the wisdom in what I thought I knew so well. That’s when my real “education” began. Now I love helping others to master that process and move forward with confidence”.
Leonie is the founder of the “Come Unstuck” and “Business Stardom” programs. Her clients and students benefit from her genuine, down to earth approach and her continued practice of applying the spiritual principles of life mastery in her daily life.
Leonie lives and works in the beautiful Mount Lofty Ranges of South Australia.
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