Springwise have given us another great entrepreneurial business idea that takes a very basic theme and moves it up a notch with clever marketing. Go Home Gorgeous is a fun way to promote a well needed service for new Mums.
Having beauty therapies in a hospital environment isn’t a new idea but this company has wrapped it up so it appeals to all aspects of a woman’s mind body and soul after she has had a baby.
They are mostly focusing on the beauty aspect but I bet some savvy natural therapists could find a way to get their services included on the menu.
Check out the concept here
Margz, I had a similar idea when a friend of mine was 'stuck in hospital' for 10 weeks waiting for her bub to be born. She wasn't sick, but was not allowed to go into unsupervised labour. there were many other women in the same situation.
They were going a bit stir-crazy, so I went in each week and gave my friend Reiki and foot massages.
I would have loved to have had the time to do each patient, what a lovely idea.
I think living near a maternity hospital would be an advantage.
There really is a need out there for services such as this.
What a great idea - and this would make a fantastic gift for a new mother too!
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