Sunday, 27 July 2008

Make Sure You Are Spam Compliant

Spam is a major issue these days.

Spam are those pesky emails, texts and communications you didn't ask to get and provide you with information you don't want and despite your best efforts you can't seem to stop them flooding your inbox.

Parliaments all over the world have recognised the problem and have bought in legislation to ensure the control of spam. The laws are very hard to enforce but just because there is a low likelihood of you getting caught doesn't mean you don't need to understand these laws and ensure you are compliant if you are marketing online or sending out bulk emails or newsletters or ezines.

This is a very valuable two page document from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) giving you a basic overview of consent - click here to view

Following are a few of the different countries that have introduced spam laws.

Australia - view the actual Spam Act Here

New Zealand

United States




Click here for a site that has excellent information on many other countries Spam Laws.

This is a great publication on how to protect YOUR business from spam here

If you hate spam remember the old adage - "do undo others as you would have them do unto you" - get clear what spam is and ensure you aren't unintentionally spamming your customers.

All information is given is current at the time of writing and is given as a guide only, you are best advised to consult someone who specialises in Anti Spam Legislation to determine your exact policy.

Friday, 18 July 2008

Could Dreambank Fund Your Training?

Dreambank is a really cool tool created to help people substitute gift giving for experiences. Think how many "things" you have been given in the past that haven't been you or you simply didn't like or you just looked at and thought hmmm, "maybe when the trims on?"

I've been taught to just move those things on with love and gratitude but what if you could replace the unwanted item with something you truly desired.

Dreambank have set up a system where you can post your dreams and instead of your friends and family buying you gifts you don't want, they simply add cash to your dream account.

One of it's greatest assets is that it is a highly eco friendly concept. It is an online transaction so no visit to the mall necessary, it doesn't create a lot of junk that needs to be cleared out eventually. It reduces your clutter making way for the things you really want and it takes the agony out of gift buying because people are giving you something you really want. Perhaps your rellies could even include the savings they made on petrol by not having to drive to the shops.

Financial partners working behind the scenes are PayPal and HSBC, so it has some serious metal behind the idea.

You can read more about the concept here at Springwise

I wondered if people could start posting their learning dreams up to Dreambank which would help cover the cost of getting qualifications in the natural therapy industry, and we all know that doesn't come cheap and every little bit would help get your dreams of having a successful natural therapy practice one step closer.

What else could you use it for?

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Molly Carlile Awarded a Churchill Trust Fellowship

Congratualtions to friend of Abundant Private Practices and June MOSH Pit Guest GURU - MS MOLLY CARLILE who last week was awarded a Churchill Trust Fellowship award to further her studies overseas.

The grant has been given to Molly to explore how the arts are being used in health promotion to facilitate community 'death discussions'. She will travel to the USA, U.K. and Ireland to interview people involved in the area and to make valuable contacts that will continue her work in this area.

GO MOLLY!!!! A grand example of how following your dreams and putting in consistent perstistent action gets results.

You can hear Molly being our Guest GURU in the MOSH Pit in June in the post below.

You can learn more about Churchill Fellowships here

Friday, 4 July 2008

Molly Carlile Interview

I had the pleasure to interview Molly Carlile on the MOSH Pit Guest GURU class for June 2008.

Molly had some wonderful information to share and you can listen to the interview here:

Molly Interview

MP3 File

As an accredited counsellor, educator and university lecturer Molly Carlile has provided grief and bereavement support for clients of all ages, in addition to providing extensive education programs for health professionals, schools and community organisations.

Molly has a firm commitment to the philosophy of holistic care for clients and holistic self care for health professionals.

Molly has a firm commitment to the "compassionate workplace" concept and actively promotes this approach both in the health and corporate sectors, in her regular speaking engagements.

Molly is a Reiki Master, Essence of Angels and Crystal Light Healing Practitioner

She has written two books - the first a childrens book called "Jelly Bean's Secret"

She is regularly featured on the ABC talking about grief issues around sudden death.

Molly produces and hosts a program on The Podcast Network called Dead Serious which addresses issues of spirituality, life, death and how we make meaning in an increasingly isolated social world.

And in her spare time Molly has recently collaborated with celebrated actor and playwright, Alan Hopgood in the production of "Four Funerals in One Day" a play that explores the role of storytelling in the lives of dying patients and their carers.

Molly is intimately involved (via Quay Initiatives Australia) in the development of a "Community Embassy" at Pier 9, Docklands which will be launched in early 2008 and will provide citizenship and leadership education, community development activities and community support programs for the people of Melbourne.

You will have to look on her website to see her qualifications because she has so many letters behind her name that you'd think she was the alphabet!

You can find out more about Molly at her website:

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Catering for the Over 60's Niche Market

Again this month Springwise, the future trend ezine for entreprenuers, has come up with a great retail concept for the Health and Wellbeing Industry.

A shop in Lyon France is catering exclusively to people over 65 and are offering products and services that keep them well. In the past many shops catered for this market but were focused on fixing problems that already existed like providing walking frames or particular disabilities.

With the aging baby boomers staying “weller” for longer, there is a huge opportunity for health and wellbeing practitioners in small businesses to provide positive service experiences for people who want to stay healthy and happy for as long as they can.

You can read more about the store here