Friday 29 February 2008

Do I need a Blog if I already have a Website

Blogs are a relatively new way of communicating with people. The question I get asked most about them is:

“If I have a Website – why do I need a Blog?”
In answer to the question do I need a blog and a website, I can tell you that I was surfing on Google recently and something I was looking for gave my website in the first page of the search results. Gotta love that! But….what I was most delighted to see two entries down in the Google search results was a blog post I had done recently appearing just below my website.

Having a Blog and a Website doubles your chance of being found.
My website has been floating around out in cyberspace for over two years now. My blog has been out there for five months and it is almost ranking as well as my website. I would like to predict that in a couple of months my blog will out rank my website.

When you compare the cost of the website and the time it takes to get web pages loaded = HOURS of work! Then compare that to a free blog and the 15 minutes it takes to write a blog post – I can only surmise that my blog is working for me.

This article by Dr. Charles Baldwin will give you some more ideas on why blogs work.
Article Source:

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