Australain Unity recently announced they have been reshaping to become a "Wellbeing" Business
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An article appearing on this week quoted the group managing director of Australian Unity, Rohan Mead on the future direction of Australian Unity, one of the major health fund providers in Australia.
“This was the year of reshaping the company into a ‘wellbeing’ business. We will be better placed to provide high quality and well targeted services that will contribute to our members being healthy, happy, secure and prosperous,” he said.
You can read the full article here
My question to you
Wellbeing and Natural Therapies are fast becoming the hot topic of the moment.
How many of you are ready to knock on Australian Unity's door with products and services that will help them achieve their goal of becoming a "wellbeing business"?
Big corporations have the same needs and wants as our smaller customers, as always it's about clearly articulating the features and benefits of your offerings.
My health insurance is with Australian Unity and all I can say WELL DONE on WELLBEING!!
For a long time I've never understood why health funds reward people for being sick not for being well. I'm looking forward to all the new ways I can be more healthy under my policy. Who knows maybe they will give bonuses if I never claim on my hospital cover they make me take out but have never needed.
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