Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Different Just Is Different

"Here we are, in a room full of strangers,
standing in the dark, where your eyes could not see me"

Nights on Broadway, The Bee Gees

When you are different it can often feel like you are standing in a Bee Gees song, standing in the dark surrounded by strangers.

Then all of a sudden the crowd parts and there stands that crazy awesome person that not only gets you, but you get them as well.

Recently a wonderfully creative friend was feeling perplexed over someone not being able to see the creative potential in a situation.

I mused that it wasn't that they didn't want to see it, in reality they just couldn't see it.

As soon as I heard the following quote, life became a lot easier for me.

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Some people just dance to a different tune and when you find someone with the same tune going on in their head ..... it's awesome!

To me it's like everyone on the planet wears different invisible glasses.  

These imaginary glasses have a different set of lenses that you can swap out whenever you feel like it.

Kind of like a pair of Smith's I purchased in Italy.  They had 3 different coloured lenses and you just popped out one lens if the weather conditions changed and replaced it with another.  My snow lens was pristine, but the other two got well swapped.  

You can see the latest Smith concept working in the 23 second video below.

Pivlock V2 Lens Change Video from smith optics on Vimeo.



So in my lens analogy, everyone has many different lens that they carry around with them, it's just that some people choose to wear the same lens day in and day out so they see the same things day in and day out.

Others have figured out that there is a never ending pit and they joyously swap out their lens at whim.


I also mentioned to my friend that I felt that these same people who are frustrating her are seeing things through their glasses and their lens, so they will inevitably be seeing things that she can't see.  


Everyone is unique and different, some folks just pour the whole packet of spices in their life curry, while others prefer to just let a few grains fall into their soup.  Neither is right or wrong ….. it's just different.

Being different isn't wrong, its just different.  


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