Sunday, 3 January 2010

Changes in Technology

This is the movie I made from three clips shot from my new FlipCam - too much fun!

The New Year is such a fabulous time to look back and come to terms with what has happened in the past few years.

Something I've been marvelling over the holidays is just how much has changed in the past thirty years. As a teenager in the 70's we used to roam about town with no idea what anyone else was doing, we bought music on tapes or vinyl and didn't even own a computer. We played music on instruments not computers and we actually had to be there to play them! If we wanted to record it cost a fortune and you needed a record deal anyway and well the thought of making a video was so far from our minds - we had never heard of MTV!

In contrast, just today:

* I have spoken to the world via Facebook

* Recorded audio down a phone line in the USA at a fraction of the cost to get similar quality in a studio and I've got instant access to the product to stream out to the world within seconds of hitting the stop button.

* I've set up autoresponders which will automatically deliver a learning program worldwide while I sleep...........

* And I've saved videos at a quality that couldn't be imaged from a devise smaller than the packet of cigarettes that used to go in our top pocket in the 70's (and of course now we are fully aware of the dangers of smoking because we can Google it on our mobile phone........that plays more things than our average lounge room could cope with 30 years ago)

BUT what hasn't changed is quality time spent with friends, eating food made with love and relaxing in beautiful surroundings - no machine for that.......yet!

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