Monday, 16 February 2009

Finding the Positive When Things Clearly Are Anything But Positive

Does anyone feel like we have lived the 12 months of 2009 already and it’s only the second week of February?

This week has carried huge lessons for us all.

I have been in a position where, by choice, I have seen very little of the news and have chosen to tap into the positive stories and news that has been coming via my wonderful clients and colleagues. All the stories of human kindness, of love, of people figuring out ways they can help people both in the flooded areas of Queensland and the fire ravaged areas of Victoria.

I’m not sticking my head in the sand and ignoring what really happened, in fact at one stage I knew that fires were burning 30 minutes from my own house and I am very grateful that the Cute House was safe when I returned from the city. I truly feel for those who have lost so much and honour those who left the planet in such tragic circumstance.

I know I cannot change what happened in the past few days but I do know we can change the way things play out in the future. I believe at this time it is important to not send even more grief, fear and sadness into those areas through our thoughts. By not watching those images I have chosen to allow the people effected some privacy to grieve their loss, for the people moving in to clean up the aftermath some space to do their work and moreover to not send any more negative vibes into those areas.

I keep hearing people say “it’s so sad” or “I feel so helpless” and there is no doubt these statements are true but each time we say these things we are sending our sadness and helplessness straight into the area to sit on top of what is already naturally there in the aftermath of the tragedies.

I know it is heart wrenching to watch those images but we cannot change what has happened in the past few days, but humans entering the situation with love and kindness can and are changing the situation for the people who have lost so much.

Now more than ever we must focus on all the amazing things that are happening in and around those areas of need. There is so much human kindness, compassion and love being poured out by caring, loving people and focusing on this aspect will bring more of this activity.

The service people such as the firemen and women, medical people, all the humanitarian and government agencies, in fact anyone doing anything positive are awesome; let’s send them messages of strength and recognition for their work.

There is so much to celebrate as communities form to grieve together, people work shoulder to shoulder and the human spirit is allowed to do what it does best and that is to shine in the face of adversity.

There is so much love to be shared
and at times like this it is truly time for the healers of the planet to step right into their power and use all their gifts and talents to do their small part by remaining positive, keeping the thoughts on all the good that is happening (and it is huge), neutralize the negative and take all the constructive actions that are right for you at this time. But please find a way to move through the sadness and grief and don’t continue to add pity and sorrow to the mix.

As with any situation of grief and loss there are so many ways we can positively help the people who have been affected right now, but in the weeks to come they are going to need our continued support through positive actions, thoughts and deeds.

When I was studying Business Management at University many years ago, my stats teacher taught us an interesting concept. Scientific study shows that humans can only take so much happiness before they plateau out and can no longer take in any more good news. Once they reach that plateau then whatever you tell them just bounces off. It is the human body’s natural way of stopping it overloading if there is too much good to be had.

So if you have good news to deliver and you have a lot of it, then you simply deliver enough to get people to plateau, give them time to come back down and then give them the next piece of good news. This way people will get the most value from the good news if you feed it to them one small piece at a time over a period of time.

Bad news is exactly the same and the human body has the same shut off valve that stops it overloading when there is just too much devastation and grief to be dealt with. So in a business situation if you have bad news to deliver, then you simply tell everyone all the bad news at once. They will react badly for a while but then they will just shut down and not be able to take in anything more. It basically numbs down the senses.

Anyone who has experienced the death of someone close will know the feeling of life going on around you but you seem to be watching that life go on like you are sitting watching a movie. Things just don’t affect you as much as they should. This is a blessing in many ways but eventually a healthy body and mind will determine you are ready to feel again and suddenly they will be dealing with all the pain all at once.

Many people in the tragedy zones, here in Australia and all over the world, are in some stage of this bad news protection right now but eventually the effect will wear off and they are going to come out of it and they are going to need our help.

Now more than ever healers and therapists and everyone who works from the heart are needed at full strength on the planet.

Using the happy news principle we are going to have to top them up every day so they can keep feeling the love and support that is truly there for them. We will need to keep doing it for months and in some instances even years to get people fully through the heartbreak that will inevitably impact at full force within the next few weeks.

Now that the media is so “on the spot” we have instant access to events that once we wouldn’t perhaps even know about. As healers we are going to need to find a way to deal with these tragedies, honour what has happened and move quickly to a place of healing.

I was speaking to Simone Matthews of Universal Life Tools on Tuesday and we were discussing how the events of the past week are impacting the healers who have a heart felt need to help and who are feeling these tragedies at a very deep level of their consciousness. We don’t have all the answers but we felt if we could bring healers and therapists together in a virtual room, perhaps develop some level of unity and move quickly to that place of healing of firstly ourselves, then move that love and healing fully into the tragedy zones on the planet.

Details of the call are here

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