Sunday, 9 November 2008

Have you ever wanted to be in two places at once?

Have you ever wished you could clone yourself so you can keep up with all the things you have to do in a day?

I'm currently trialing a product that allows me to do just that - it's called cybertwin.

As an infoprenuer I'm expected to have by own Forum, my own Blog, be on Facebook, be on MySpace, be recording YouTube clips adding value all over the place and keeping in touch with every single person who happens to swing by one of these social networking websites and make personal connections with them all. It's exhausting and as far as I'm concerned a real waste of my time trying to throw cows at people, fill their aquariums with glitter fish and stay positive about the social and moral state of the Oompa Loompas!

Well now I've found this cool tool that I can program up to answer questions on my behalf - I'd love you to type a few questions in so I can see how my cybertwin answers and customise answers...............You don't have to register - when the new window opens, just type your name into the box at the bottom of the screen


Anonymous said...

Hi Margaret

Just had a quick chat with your cyber twin....ummm, strangely friendly & believable for a program!


Margaret GIll said...

Thanks for having a go Melissa - it is quite wierd really - I've only spent about half an hour programming in replies and I reckon with a bit more time it will be more me than I am!! My Cybertwin is having much more fun than me too - she has been for a ride on the beach and to a market today while I sat at home and worked!!