How does one get an unknown therapy known and trusted?
There is no simple answer to this one apart from saying “commitment and a lot of hard work”.
Trust in any relationship is gained over time and a natural therapy practice is no different.
You have to be walking your talk all the time and making sure you are projecting the right image and message to people constantly. This is part of your brand and it’s not just about logos and the colours you use – it’s about everything you do.
Getting known is about going out there and wearing down your shoe leather and shaking a lot of hands! Therapists generally hate this part but to be known, people need an opportunity to get to know you. The only sure fire way to do this is by going out and meeting people.
My system has various ways in which you can do this and I recommend you try them all because you could just find out you enjoy doing something that you initially hated, like public speaking did for me. Initially I was absolutely petrified of talking in public but after forcing myself to do a few talks and learning some of the tricks of the trade, I now love it. Actually I hate myself for agreeing to do it until I’m a couple of minutes into the talk them I love it once I get going.
Choosing a strong WHO and WHAT (who you work with and what you do for them) speeds the process up because all your time and marketing activities can be done to a smaller group of people which results in a higher take up rate. It also sets you up as an expert in that particular field which makes it really easy for others to understand what you do and how they can refer others to you.
What I recommend is that each month you do at least
2 x Speaking events to your target audience
2 x Networking events or functions where your target audience will be
1 x Newsletter to your database (tell me you have one!)
4 x Approaches to a strategic alliance (someone who can pass clients to you)
And each quarter do some sort of grassroots marketing campaign
Follow up all your leads and contacts and ensure they get on your database because your database is your friend!